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General15 years ago

IEF 2009: Bisu, EffOrt, Pj, JayStar in group of death

The reigning champion Bisu sees himself in the toughest group of them all, with Pj, JayStar and EffOrt as well as the Americans iNcontroL and Artosis.

Group A
Korea Terror[fOu]
Canada Chill
Ukraine Strelok
Netherlands ret
United Kingdom Midian
China LBH
Group B
Korea Bisu
Korea EffOrt
United States Artosis
United States iNcontroL
China Pj
China Jaystar
Group C
United States IdrA
Germany iNfeRnaL
United States Machine
United States slog4
Japan redskirt_
Group D
Korea Stork
United States Assem
United States Gretorp
Taiwan Sen
Ukraine DIMAGA
Peru Fenix
Group E
Korea Boxer
United States G5
Ukraine White-Ra
United States Rekrul
China Rushgoon
Japan nazomen

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