Blizzard continues on with their current unveiling process; we will most likely be introduced by two new Heroes next week.
Yesterday we reported on a series of tweets that Blizzard sent out over their Overwatch accounts. We also suggested that they would be revealing a bit more information soon after. Well soon after proved to be two days later because today the following tweet was sent out:
[EXCLUSIVE] Evidence recovered from audacious Banco de Dorado robbery. Learn more during next week's special report!
— Overwatch (@PlayOverwatch) September 17, 2015
Not a lot can be learned from the tweet's content. We have seen mention of Dorado before in this video, and the image that is shown could possibly be seen as a rough concept version of a new map. But other than the comedic effect, and explorarion of Overwatch's lore, there is nothing more to be read from this tweet. That is of course BESIDES the promise that we will learn more next week. This tweet is linked to the tweets from two days ago, as can be seen by the "A Moment in Crime" mention, and it is therefore safe to conclude that the two Heroes in the wanted poster will be unveiled next week in a fashion similar to Soldier: 76. The expectation of a new map is significantly lower.
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