Hello HoRRoR, StarCraft Troopers player, who will be playing in the new "unrevealed team" which hit the scene yesterday...
So, for starters, what team is it that will start a new StarCraft squad?
- It is a team which had no SC:BW Squad until now. They are well non in the shooter-scene and are trying to form a team for SC2. Some comments in the infernal-news were really close.
The team will consist of only German players, wouldn't it be better to grab the best players throughout the world?
- The first idea was to grab some of the best international players but somehow this plan didnt work out. Furthermore a german only squad is much more easier to organise.
What are your goals with this new team?
- First of all the main target is to build up a team, I mean the spirit and so on. We'll try to compete with the other clans but thats secondary. The team will start playing professional in SC2.
Will you and your team mates be able to fully focus on StarCraft, with the salary being given?
- I can't give you any infos about the salary but sure we will try to focus on StarCraft. But as I allready said, the main target is StarCraft2.
How many players will be playing in this team?
- The squad will be made up of six players and two organisators.
So you can confirm now that it's you and inFeRnaL in the team, what other players can we expect?
- Yes iNfernaL and I will soon be in the same team. Furthermore we will be provided by one of the strongest 2on2 teams and two newcomer.
When will the team be revealed to the public?
- If everything fits then we expect to release it in the next few days.