We’re getting some more StarCraft II news even as the big focus for this weekend is on Seattle as the top players of the original StarCraft battle it out. A new unit is featured on the official StarCraft II site, and this time it is the Protoss Carrier!
A solid redesign has come to the familiar Protoss unit as it has a much more aero dynamic and agile look to it. The Carrier mirrors its abilities from the original game producing Interceptors to attack both ground and air units. Their Interceptors do the most damage to air-to-air though and are perfect for taking on heavy air units such as the Terran Battlecruiser.

The new animations for the Interceptors are fluid and absolutely pleasant on the eyes. There is also a very nice graphic effect when the carrier is attacked that show that their shield is absorbing the attacks, I feel safe in predicting that this animation will stop once all the shields are down for that carrier and will help players keep track of the health of their units (visually) in the heat of battle. The design looks really solid and has made an amazing transition to the 3D world of StarCraft II.
StarCraft II: Carrier - Source
StarCraft II Official Site - Source