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Riot shows off 2v2 tag team gameplay for fighting game Project L

Image: Riot Games

Riot’s League of Legends fighting game will have 1v1, 2v1 and 2v2 modes. 

Riot Games has unveiled fresh gameplay for its upcoming League of Legends fighting game, which currently operates under the codename Project L. The gameplay video shows off Project L’s four-player matches, wherein players can either play as two characters swapping in and out of battle, or join someone else to form a team of two. 

Watch the video below:

The video focuses on Project L’s ‘Duo Play’ system, which is Riot’s way of, “bringing something new to the [fighting game] genre.” Earlier sneak peeks of the game showed off its tag team-like fighting mechanic, which allows players to swap between two different characters during matches. With the addition of Duo Play, Project L becomes a, “2v2 team-based fighting game,” as Riot puts it. 

Players will each pilot a single Champion in the game’s multiplayer modes, which Shaun Rivera compares to, “tag-team wrestling.” One player will play as the Champion onscreen, while the other waits to be tagged in offscreen. Duo Play is, “designed from the ground up to encourage teamwork,” with support for 1v1, 2v2 and 2v1 matchups. In 2v1, one player will control two characters on their own, swapping them in as they please. 

Before you get into a match, each team will be able to use a system called ‘Fuse’ to, “customise how their champs play together.” Fuses are essentially in-game perks like ‘Empower your partner with multiple assist actions’ or ‘Combine your Ult with your partner’s’. Each team will select a Fuse before a match to create, “powerful synergies that change up your Duo Play style and really allow player expression to shine.”

For example, the Fuse 2x Assist will allow teams to, “throw out two assists back to back,” with assists being in-game combat abilities. Riot also announced that Project L will be playable as a show floor demo at Evo 2023, which takes place from August 4 to August 6 this year. The game still doesn’t have a title, but we’ll hopefully see lots of gameplay come out of the event. The demo will feature four playable characters, though six have been confirmed in total for the roster: Jinx, Ahri, Darius, Katarina, Ekko and Illaoi. 

Riot also dropped gameplay of a full four-player match of Project L, which you can watch below: