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Entertainment2 years ago

World of Warcraft and Mila Kunis announce charity pets for Ukraine

Image: Blizzard Entertainment

Blizzard and Mila Kunis are teaming up for a World of Warcraft ‘charity pet pack’ to support Ukraine. 

Actress Mila Kunis and Blizzard Entertainment are partnering up for a charity bundle of World of Warcraft pets to benefit Ukraine. Kunis, who was born in Ukraine, announced in a video that all proceeds from the charity pets would go towards medical assistance, humanitarian aid, and more resources to aid Ukraine during the ongoing Russia-Ukraine war. 

Watch the announcement below:

In the video, Kunis describes the gaming community as a “forward-giving community,” and that World of Warcraft was “the first gaming community she was ever a part of.” Hence, she partnered with Blizzard and non-profit BlueCheck for a charity bundle consisting of two in-game pets: Sunny, a cute golden dog and Flurky, a shining blue Murloc holding the national flower of Ukraine, the sunflower. Both pets also match the colours of the Ukrainian flag. 

Sunny and Flurky will be available for purchase as a limited-time $20 bundle in both World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft Classic until August 29, 2023. Upon checkout, players can choose to donate an extra amount of their choice with all proceeds going to BlueCheck. Here’s how Kunis describes the partnership and its contribution to the Russian invasion of Ukraine:

The people of Ukraine are in desperate need and BlueCheck does incredible work in providing resources quickly to local vetted groups, including medical assistance, humanitarian aid, and everything in between. The World of Warcraft community is the first gaming community I was ever a part of, with strangers who didn’t care who or what I was. I know how giving they can be, and what they can achieve when we work together. I’m proud to be making a difference to countless lives in Ukraine alongside them.

Flurky and Sunny will likely only be available as part of this charity initiative, as text from the bundle’s page reads: “These versions of pets are special editions available as a part of this initiative only.” Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began back in February 2022, and continues to inflict heavy losses and damage on Ukraine today, so it’s good to see companies continue to put up an effort to help the country during its ongoing strife.


Timothy "Timaugustin" AugustinTim loves movies, TV shows and videogames almost too much. Almost!