Since Blizzard announced his new project, there have been frequent updates on the official SC2 site. This time they give us some info about the Colossus!
After we were provided with some info about Stargate, we now get to see a brand new Protoss machine of war - the Colossus.

According to Blizzard the mighty Colossus is going to play a very important role in Protoss army. It was designed as a heavy robot unit to support mighty Protoss forces with twin thermal lances, which means that it can attack back and forth, hurting a few units at one shot. The Colossus has four legs and is high enough to step up and down the cliffs, which makes it very mobile and good for harrassing opponent's mineral lines. Besides numerous pros, it also has its vices. Because of its great size, Colossus can be attacked by both anti-air and anti-ground units and buildings, like e.g. turrets.
Colossus is the second Protoss unit, designed fully for attacking purposes we have seen so far. For those who have not seen Colossus in action, there is a link to SC2 Gameplay Videos below. Will the new Protoss machine become as deadly as its older brother Reaver? For that we will have to wait at least a few more months.

starcraft2.com - Read more about Protoss Colossus
starcraft2.com - SC2 Gameplay Videos