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Overwatch8 years ago

Cloud9 changes half of their roster, in time for what might come after BlizzCon

The Cloud9 organization has benched three of their players; a DPS, tank and support have all been changed out.

Cloud9 has consistently been one of the best teams in the scene holding a top 5 position in the world for the first several months of Overwatch. However, they were never able to secure a win at one of the big tournaments. And so the Cloud9 organization has changed their team.

For starters, they have benched Grego, Reaver, and deBett. Any organizations interested in picking up any of those three talented players should contact Cloud9.

In order to replace these three, Cloud9 has found strong players to fill the roles: the DPS role will now be played by Lucas ‘Mendokusaii’ Hakansson. Mendo is a veteran competitive player who has strong mechanical play and a deep roster of DPS heroes. A great addition to Surefour, who is one of the best DPS players in the world, to give Cloud9 one of the strongest DPS lines in the game.

Then, there also needed to be found a new tank and so Cloud9 introduces Ruben ‘ryb’ Ljungdahl to their lineup. Ryb is one of the most notable tanks in the world, playing on Misfits when they won the ELEAGUE Overwatch Open.

After these two additions, Cloud9 is still missing a Support player and so they got Randal ‘Roolf’ Stark. formerly of Method. Roolf has one of the top 5 Zenyattas in competitive play which is a great hero to have support your top DPS players.

The new Cloud9 roster is as follows:


  • Lane ‘Surefour’ Roberts
  • Adam ‘Adam’ Eckel
  • Kyle ‘KyKy’ Souder
  • Ruben ‘ryb’ Ljungdahl
  • Lucas ‘Mendokusaii’ Hakansson
  • Randall ‘Roolf’ Stark


Official announcement can be found here.

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