We have been working on our team profiles a bit as you may have spotted on beta.gosugamers.net ; our test client, so to speak. They are now ready to replace the previous profiles and are already live as you're reading this . Head over to the currently top ranked Dota 2 team Alliance to check out the changes. The top part remains the same as before, containing information such as rank, current rating, stats (win-loss-draw) and win rate. It is mostly the rest of the team page that has been improved.
For instance, the "Team Roster" box now lists more than simply the nickname of each player. As seen above, each player has a photo (ideally at least - most top players will have a photo), the players' nickname as well as full name. Additional information can be found such as age, link to the player's GosuWiki page (if one exists) and livestream (if one exists). The right panel of each player will list his or her three most successful heroes/champions. Clicking one of the heroes/champions will reveal a list of matches, in which it was used by the player. Clicking the player's nickname will forward you to the player page where you can find things like a full list of heroes.
To the right, we have the latest matches. On top there is a graph showing the recent rating progression for the team. Hovering your cursor over a match in the graph will reveal the tournament the match is part of, as well as the date it was played and how much rating was won/lost. Also notice the highlighted (in this case "vs RoX.KiS.Dota2") matching entry in the list below. Clicking the match either in the graph or on the list will link you to the match page (where you can find drafts, results and VODs).
The box will list the ten most recent matches of the team. For more matches, there is a button at the bottom which will direct you to a full match list.
Further down in the team profile, there is a list of VODs featuring the team (in this case, Alliance). Eight VODs will be listed at once with a paging function to list the next eight. At the right side finally, there is a box where achievements are listed, tracking the different prized positions the team managed to grab.
Take a look at the full profile here:
>> GosuGamers Team Profile (Alliance)
In the near future, we will bring your further GosuGamers patches, so stay tuned for changes!