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General12 years ago

Faker's LeBlanc carries SKT 2 into victory


SKT #2 climb to the top of OGN Spring '13 Group A after going 2-0 against MVP Blue thanks to exceptional play from its carries, while their brother team scored a draw against AHQ.

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62290c720c9605dace1b81179d12949b07d08472d717411d9d73f10e05.pngMVP Blue vs SK Telecom T1 #2100d5f226d2f8393d8ef6760ca538106cdae34c75157e2afaad908055d.png

Aggression defined game one as both teams were as equal as they could be. SKT shined during the lane phase -- their Kennen at 4/1/4 and Miss Fortune at 3/1/3 by the 20th minute mark -- but MVP's flawless Dragon control was keeping them in the game.

Ten minutes later, MVP were still holding the gold lead thanks to the aforementioned Dragon control but team fights were not going exactly in their favor. Catching strayed players allowed SKT to establish map control -- by both killing towers and warding the entire map -- and that really hurt MVP's assassin composition. One such free kill got SKT an inhibitor and this is when MVP truly were pushed against the wall.

It was at the 35th minute that a team fight went into MVP's favor but even then couldn't they capitalize on that. With just two people alive and with their inhibitor down, MVP had to stay and defend, allowing SKT to take a free Baron. Knowing they can't fight 5v5 with no defenses in their base, MVP rushed through mid in attempt to take base objectives but SKT collapsed on them from behind and broke their spines. 1-0 for SKT.

Game two was nowhere near the thrill of the first and there was one person to thank (or blame) for that - Faker. Around the 10th minute, his LeBlanc began accumulating kills and never stopped. Easyhoon was completely denied. MVP's carries melted from one combo. Faker was getting fatter and fatter (somewhat egoistically since he gave almost no assists to his team) and eventually made MVP surrender at 20, with Faker's LeBlanc at 11/0/2.

Compilation of Faker's LeBlanc kills



075d2fd211bb9bebc9bfaae7d2933db0e21106e24b58ee6b950d5b2587.pngAHQ Korea vs SK Telecom T1 #1100d5f226d2f8393d8ef6760ca538106cdae34c75157e2afaad908055d.png

For the most part, game one between AHQ and SKT 1 looked like a toned done version of MVP vs SKT 2 from earlier today. AHQ took the kill lead by looking for and finding team fights -- as any good team fight comp should do -- but SKT 1 was way ahead in the farming race and the gold numbers were in their favor. AD carries shined in those early to mid game stages, accumulating the bulk of their team's kills.

Once the laning phase dispersed, the cracks and flaws in SKT's play started to show and Raven's exceptional plays couldn't cover for them anymore. Despite having a huge lead in CS, Reapered was not enjoying the best day of his career and was continuously caught out of position, thus creating opportunities for the enemy team. Beelzehan's ganks were also not working and SKT were in kind of a checked position - they couldn't kill people in small engagements but also couldn't win a team fight against Rumble, MF, Sona and Malphite. As a result, when a team fights were finally brought onto them, SKT could do little to fight back. Slowly but surely, push after push, AHQ made their way to the heart of SKT to take game one.

Eager to redeem himself, Reapered went absolutely bonkers in game two, his Shen always at the right place at the right time. His alertness eventually put him on 5/0/4 before the 20th minute mark and his Sunfire Cape, Wit's End and Negatron Cloak made him practically invincible against the APs of AHQ.

An ace for three fight near the Baron (with triple kill for Hoon's Diana) pit put AHQ back in the game but their joy was not long for this world. The next 5v5 engagement went equally horribly for them and gave SKT a baron and increased their gold lead to 8K. In spite of all the beating, however, AHQ refused to lay down and die and fought heroically while on the defensive. Unfortunately for them, never did they win a team fight so decisively that they can turn the massive disadvantage around. At the 36th minute, SKT caught Hoon slightly out of position and cleaned everything up, tying the series.

Hoon is almost dead two seconds into the fight


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