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General12 years ago

ZhaoYun: 'Dota 2 has already replaced DotA'

An old school legend, Zhao Yun was a Chinese-American professional Dota player. He has since retired and only recently returned by starting a team after TI2.

ZhoaYun was a famous professional Dota player years ago and despite being a foreign player he was a big name even in China. SGamer interviewed the old legend about his recent return to the scene, his thoughts on Dota 2 and the possibility he'll join TongFu.

Below is a translation of the Chinese interview:

Editor's note: The following translation may or may not differ from the original wording. With that said, it is done to ensure better reading and has not changed its meaning.

A big thank you to Zhao Yun for accepting SGamer.CoM's interview. Can you say something to our Dota Fans?
Hey everybody, my name is Zhao Yun, long time no see.

I remember the last time we had an interview, you said you were returning to your home country to work, but then there was no news of you, what happened?
I got married with the woman I love, and also left Dota for a very long time.

At that time, everybody thought you were going to join the CH with LongDD, to become the legendary Zhao Yun and Zi Long team.(Quietly laughs)
Yeah, we actually were hoping for it but we were very busy at that time and then after half a year, I did not feel enthusiasm towards the game anymore.

Can you share with us your current state?
Alright, currently I'm working. When there's nothing to do, I would go to Texas to gamble and play poker. Sometimes watch football (soccer), and sometimes I would play Dota 2.

How do you feel of the upcoming development of DotA and Dota 2?
It seems like a large portion of people have started to adapt to Dota 2. Furthermore, I feel Dota 2 has already replaced DotA. Speaking Frankly, I feel Dota 2's design is perfect.

How do you feel about the performance of China's Dota teams in TI2?
There was a period of time where I didn't play DotA. I just started playing only a few months ago. I watched just about every match in TI2. The performance of the Chinese Dota teams was magnificent, the Chinese teams main strength is stability.

Do you feel the strength of the Dota 2 teams outside of China is big, especially in the US/North America?
I think the answer to this, everyone knows. The results of TI2 says it all.

What do you feel is the reason that LoL(League of Legends) is so popular? Have you played this game yet?
I have seen a few of my friends playing it. I feel it is very girlish, as though it's more suitable for females. Also, the speed is much slower compared to DotA. I don't like that game, I feel that game's skill cap is quite low.

There's a rumor regarding you forming a new team, can you introduce your new team and its members?
Alright, they are all my former team members and friends, March, Mystyle, Swissbeatz and Zaku. I think people should have some memories of them. There is also Solara, he is quite famous in North America, but unfortunately March already graduated and wants to return to Korea soon. I doubt there will be chances for me to play with Solara in the future. He is a great friend and I wish the best of luck to him in life and great success!

Besides that, do you have any other plans?
Firstly, participate in more competitions to train the team. At the same time, find a bit of sponsors. We have already contacted some of the locals organizations though there is an international organization that might be interested in assisting us in these big scale competitions.

Which organization is that? Care to reveal them?

Alright, I wish you luck and success in your return to the Dota Scene. Do you have anything else to say?
Diaoyu Island belongs to China!

For the original Chinese interview, head over to Sgamer

Sgamer - Original Chinese interview

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