The drama following the end of SlayerS is still not over. To get to the bottom of the story, Thisisgame approached some of the "dramatis personae", namely Jessica, Crank, MMA and coach Cella.
The first after-tremors manifested themselves yesterday, as Axiom's Crank - who at the time was reported to have left due to problems with his neck disc - talked to Thisisgame about his departure. The protoss pointed out the bad practice schedule of SlayerS when tournament days got closer, experiencing "more disappointments than [he] though" and the bad relationship between management and the competing body and general discord within the team.
There are two reasons to why I left the team. Jessica kept telling me who was at home that "Team Slayers' problems right now are due to Alicia, Ryung, MMA" and kept blaming the players and I couldn't understand that.
Another reason is when MMA got sent to the 'B' team is there were some confusions from the management as well as one player (unnamed) was hurt after thinking that the reasoning of the confusion was true. They told MMA that they can "change the article later on if you wanted" but the problem was already out there. So I decided to leave the team.
On the public information that Crank's departure was due to neck injury:
When I was leaving the team, Jessica told me that she will release an article for me but I thought "me leaving the team isn't worthy of a press conference." But I was told that there is a new player joining us. She told me she will say I left the team due to my neck injury, and she will work her best to stop any weird rumors from spreading around. And now she is saying that I used my neck injury as an excuse to look for a foreign team. I never thought she would do that.
Crank also talks about a call between him, Jessica and Boxer (full transcript of which to be found here), the purpose of which has been to clear out the different versions of his departure had appeared in the media.
As the call continued it started to get more heated so Boxer intercepted. "You both became too angry and it's difficult to continue to talk so I intercepted." I talked with Boxer for a long time. It was so unfair that I started crying. "Boxer, do you think the same as Jessica? Do you not think of the times I tried hard for the team?" I asked. Then he replied with "Alicia, Ryung, MMA left the team and you are the only one the blame." He meant that because I left first the others followed my example.
As soon as I heard that I was overcome with the unfairness of blaming me for the fallout of the team. And he said "I know you tried to change the state of the team but you should have tried hard to talk to me." So then I said "What have you done while I was trying to change it?" But somehow that was changed to "What did you do for me Boxer."
Following Crank's statements, Thisisgame sat down with Jessica who was the one to release the aforementioned phone call to the public and hear her side of the story. According to Jessica, Crank did indeed request resting at home due to neck pain but in her words this has only been a step to stream from home and look for a foreign team and that her problem with Crank is that he did not approach the management directly to discuss leaving or transferring.
On inner-team's discord and the bad environment in the house, Jessica had this to say:
[Crank] told me numerous times that the team was a mess. But according to him, the reason for the mess was inappropriate actions from Puzzle and Coca, and he wanted us to do something about them. Every time it was the same complaint. So I asked coach Hong about it, and I thought it wasn't nothing too serious as it was something kids would do when they live together.
But Crank continued to complain that things were a mess and that he was having too much stress that he could handle himself, so BoxeR actually apologized to him. So I told BoxeR, 'Even when you're resting, do it at the practice house. Play some games there and watch over them and discipline them if need be.'
So BoxeR went and watched over them, and told me nothing was wrong, just like how coach Hong told me. So my final thought was that there was nothing big going on. I just thought it was a men's trouble that is common among young people. Later on I found out that the real reason for the mess was due to these three people. [...] I later found out that MMA, Ryung, and Crank began to act together and segregated from other players. They made a situation where it was difficult to get together within the team. He knew about MMA's decision to leave the team, which was the biggest problem, and told us numerous times about the other members' seemingly problematic behaviours. Ergo, we could never believe that the problem rised on other players in this situation.
To close this interview of hers, Jessica stated that everything will end if Crank apologizes and that she will try to find new teams for the remaining four teamless players.

With MMA's name popping up often in those interviews, it is no surprise that he too took the time to speak his mind and his interview with Thisisgame had three main topics: "The Manager J incident", which was the name given to said manager's accusation that Jessica had manipulated individual sponsorships; the "contract termination incident" regarding the contracts between players and team and how prize money should be allocated; and MMA's demotion in July, for which there were no reasons given at that time.
According to MMA, "the manager J incident" involved Jessica taking one of MMA's individual sponsorships and giving it to Boxer instead. MMA speaks about talking to Crank, who gave him the advice to talk to Boxer directly, the latter then replying after checking the issue that "no such sponsorship existed". He also reports that Boxer and Jessica had later told the team that bringing Manager J has been a mistake and the team should be revitalized from the groun up but, according to MMA, it has already been too late.
Additionally, the terran ace took time to explain in detail the event surrounding his demotion, the accusation towards him about being "a cancer" also dating to that time.
It was right before the GSTL match. After what has happened as I previously mentioned, I went out from the house, as it was also a Saturday. I came back after organizing my thoughts. I was only thinking about winning the match as the next match was imminent. Jessica said in the interview that I did not return to the team, but this is not true. I completed my schedule and left on Saturday evening and returned on Sunday morning.
When I came back to the house, Ryung told me something BoxeR had told him. "MMA is like a cancer, so we are trying to quarantine you from him." After hearing this, my attachment to the GSTL match and the team disappeared. 'I try my best for the team and this is how they think of me.' I felt like everything was crumbling down before me.
BoxeR told me, 'You're demoted to the B-team so go to your house.' I thought to myself, 'Why do I have to hear the word demotion' and could not understand it at all. It would have been better if BoxeR and Jessica persuaded me why I am a cancer to the team, but they agreed on my demotion without consulting me at all.
Once I heard it from Ryung, I packed my stuff and told BoxeR that 'I will just leave the team so you don't have to [demote me]', and he replied with, 'You are still bounded by the contract, so you will not leave as you wish.' As I became emotionally violent, I said 'This is slavery contract!'
I am very sorry about this part, and when I said 'Slavery contract', it meant that it wasn't a contract with the team, but with the individual management, so even if the transfer is made, I need to share a portion of my prizes with Jessica. Afterward, there was 10 minutes of silence, and BoxeR ended the conversation by saying, 'We will conduct our business in our own way.'
To close this chapter of the Slayers story, TIG approached Jessica a second time, seeking her thoughts on MMA's interview. Jessica goes on to extensively cover each topic in said interview, ending it by saying she's ready to forgive and forget everything when MMA apologizes.
When I said I did not receive any money, I meant as in result. Players signed the contracts on November of last year and I had certain promises to keep to players. I did what was told in the contracts. Players soon received prizes after contractual terms began. But why didn't they deposit the money until February next year? I did indeed tell them to deposit the money. But it was only to teach them about the importance of the contract.
At some point in February, I ordered coach Hong to 'tell contracted players to deposit portion of their prizes according to the contract.' About 10 million Won (Approx. 9,050 USD) was deposited. I then gathered the players and explained how this money will be used. I said, 'This money will not be used on me, but rather used on coaching staffs Ryu, Hong, and J manager's salaries, and the rest will be used on benefits for players.'
The benefits here are better soccer balls, winter uniforms. and badminton gear for players who didn’t like to play soccer. I also used the money on taxi fees whenever I was unable to transport players. I even joked that 'You can sue me if I used it for my own.'
All translations courtesy of ESFI. Photos by TIG
Crank interview
Jessica answers to Crank
MMA interview
Jessica responds to MMA
Crank, Boxer, Jessica phone call transcript