A "big surprise" hits the scene, as Evil Genuises announce the acquisition of Jio 'Jeyo' Madayag and Robert 'Bdiz' Tinnes. They replace Sam 'Bulba' Sosale and Saahil 'Universe' Arora, who left the team after the International 2.
There have been rumors about Jeyo joining EG ever since then, but those rumors were initially denied by the compLexity management. Jeyo leaves behind a big gap, that compLexity has yet to fill. They were looking to take in Bulba as a replacement, but that didn't work out as expected and they are now facing -according to rumors - a possible break-up.
Meanwhile, Universe has found himself a new team in the likes of Quantic Gaming, where he has adapted quickly.
“I’m very happy to be a part of Evil Geniuses. Maelk and Fear were my inspiration to get into competitive Dota, and I’m sure that I will be able to provide enough to keep the team at the top."
“I’ve been playing with the team for some time now as a stand in, and it’s an honor to now be officially playing alongside seasoned veterans such as Fear, DeMoN and Maelk while also being a part of the prestigious Evil Geniuses organization.”
“We’re excited to welcome both bdiz and Jeyo to the Evil Geniuses family. They are extremely talented players, and will, without a doubt, solidify the Evil Geniuses Dota 2 lineup as one of the strongest in the world.”
The team is currently participating in it's own RaidCall D2League and in the G1 League.

Source: evilgenuises.net