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General12 years ago

Dai: 'Tiny-Wisp was our only chance to stand against stronger teams'

Six days passed since veteran EHOME pillars Yao '357' Yi and Zeng Rong 'Dai' Lei became transfer targets of DK in what can be defined one of the most spectacular player acquisitions this year.

When all noteworthy names in Dota 2 came together last time for the annual International championship both DK and EHOME missed a placement within the top three barely.

The announcement of DK's renewal made us wonder how the new players would affect the role distribution, why DK decided to reform at all and what impact The International 2 has on Dota 2's status in China.

We gathered both 357 and Dai as well as their new manager Bo 'DK.Farseer' Peng for answers regarding the move and wether TI 2012 triggered it.

DK's changes in the lineup create conflicts regarding your role distribution; will you have one solo mid player set in stone and if yes will it be Super or Dai?
Farseer: So far Super will continue to play the mid solo role.

Will rOtk remain your off-lane player?
Farseer: rOtk is still the off-laner.

Any thoughts about being back in the same team with BurNIng?
Dai: There’s a future!!

Please give us some insights on your training methods and environment.
Dai: We normally train from 2pm to 2am. When there are teams to scrim, we play. Otherwise we play against pubs.
357: Usually when there are teams to scrim with we play a few Bo3 matches; once in a while Bo5. When no teams are around we practice laning and talk about our thoughts.

What do you do as a team to break up the at times draining training routine? Do you plan free-time activities as a team or does each of you fall back to your own social environments?
Dai: I play more pubs or watch movies.
357: We do our own things. Normally this time is our personal time.

How are you trying to break iG’s winning streak?
Farseer: We’re not thinking about that now; priority is training as a team.

How would you evaluate EHOME’s performance at The International 2?
Dai: Horrible. I feel like 5th/6th place was already because of luck.
357: Acceptable I suppose. Result was within prediction, but better than we had expected.

Out of all Chinese contenders EHOME had by far the least conservative drafts, which peaked in the Tiny-Wisp combo in your match against Orange. Do you look to bring this refreshing style over to your new team?
Dai: That was our secret strategy, and probably the only chance to stand against stronger teams.
357: There’s no improvement without new ideas.

Would you say the downfall of EHOME was due to roles not having been clearly assigned?
357: Perhaps
Dai: To put it bluntly, it’s mainly because of the lack of skills. When against powerhouses, we won’t even stand a chance.

When we leave Na`Vi aside, how would you comment the performances of foreign teams at TI2?
Dai: Western teams are generally strong during online tournaments. I feel as if they cannot play to their fullest on LAN.
357: I should say it’s either they lack LAN experience, or didn’t perform to their fullest. The few teams that I liked didn’t even make it into quarter finals.

How did TI2 affect the perception of Dota 2 among Chinese fans? Did it help to raise people’s enthusiasm?
Farseer: Of course, everyone is anticipating the game to be released to the public.
Dai: Actually there are many Chinese players that want to play this game. There is a high demand of beta-keys.
357: I think people definitely are interested. The spectating system in Dota 2 is great and because of that, more people are attracted to the game.

With G-1 League switching over to Dota 2, are we seeing a major shift in the Chinese scene coming up?
Farseer: Switching from DotA to Dota 2 is an inevitable trend.
Dai: I heard many players who tried Dota 2 don’t even want to play DotA anymore. Hopefully there will be more Dota 2 tournaments in China.
357: It’s the trend.

How would you describe the current server situation in China? Are there viable playing conditions by now? How is your lag on Singapore servers when you want to play SEA tournaments?
Farseer: For tournaments within Asia, that isn’t too big of an issue.
Dai: The Singapore server is great.
357: Singapore is good, not too laggy.

How present is DotA/Dota 2 in Chinese TV? Do you have friends outside of gaming who tune into broadcasts regularly or do you think it’s still a niche for gaming enthusiast?
Farseer: It’s almost impossible to garner attention from the mainstream media (meaning news etc.); however, there is lots of online media exposure.
357: I’m not sure, but there are more and more people interested in it.

If you had to decide where the next “The International” would have to happen: would you bring it to China or would you be OK with this year’s location, Seattle? If China – would you believe that Dota 2 can fill even larger halls, maybe like regular sports stadiums?
Farseer: It’s totally possible to have a full-house.
Dai: This year’s location at Seattle is very decent; it’s my best experience at a tournament within these few years. If it is hosted in China, then no doubts the hall will be packed.
357: I guess I’d pick a western country. I can’t imagine TI3 in China.

After TI2, on what aspects did you base the conclusion that the potential of old DK expired? It was only one event at least and perhaps the team could have performed better another time.
Farseer: We don’t really want to go back and discuss this, but surely it’s not because of placing 4th at TI2.

Except Na`Vi, DK left the entire non-Chinese competition behind by a large margin. Considering the acquisition of new players this achievement doesn’t seem enough for you. In the eyes of some foreigners you seem over-confident/presumptuous. Do Chinese teams have higher standards?
Farseer: We’ve achieved our predicted goal (meaning 4th in TI2), but we know we can do better than that.

Questions were asked by Ulrich Hanten and Helen Xu

Links - Follow Team DK on QQ - Follow 357 on QQ - Follow Dai on QQ