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13 years ago

Mists of Pandaria Talent Calculator reveals many new spells

f2e2e3e9c4b774385306fbb6eaf4e7a64f79df9874fc5b34e52a44e725.jpgThe Mists of Pandaria Talent Calculator has revealed many new spells and talents, and MMO-Champion has compiled a big list of all the new information. A lot of spells have been moved to strictly belong to one specific spec.


We wanted to take a moment to give some context to why the calculators were posted, and the permanence of the data shown. A lot of times we say things like "not final" and "may change" as verbal wiggle room should we decide we need to go a different direction, or are unable to complete something in time. In this case of the Mists of Pandaria calculator data is essentially pre-alpha, and will absolutely change in many ways.

It was important for us to get this stuff in front of you as soon as possible though (and as a work in progress as it is) to get your feedback, which will in no small part influence that change. We also wanted to present everything on a single page to give you a fuller context for the initial talent changes we announced at BlizzCon, and to see how the overall structure of core abilities, spec abilities, and talents will function, with concrete examples.

The calculator contains elements that are experimental, still in the process of implementation, or in some cases outright failed experiments that we already intend to revise or replace. Odds are good that if it looks like we’ve forgotten some critical piece of a particular class toolkit, it’s either accounted for elsewhere, or simply a data glitch (e.g., Prayer of Healing is currently absent from the calculator – we are not taking Prayer of Healing away from priests, and Devastate for warriors probably won't sunder armor 453%). Our hope is that revealing the calculator in this state will shed light on the philosophy behind our talent overhaul, and let you get a sense of how pieces of your core rotational gameplay, such as Hot Streak, Riptide, or Sudden Doom, fit into the new system.

The different classes are also at very different stages of design and implementation, and the fact that some mechanics changes we discussed at BlizzCon and in recent Q&As are not yet present does not mean that we have abandoned those ideas.

Any and all feedback is very welcome, but please keep all of the above in mind when considering the information in the talent calculator, and please keep feedback consolidated in the Mists of Pandaria forum:

Here's a compilation of spells, created by the fine folks at MMO-Champion.

Mists of Pandaria Talents

Death Knight
On a Pale Horse is now a trainable passive ability and is available to all Death Knights at level 61.
A new ability, Control Undead, is now available for all Death Knights. Control Undead dominates an undead creature, placing it under your control for up to 5 minutes. While controlled, the creature attacks 30% slower and casts 20% slower. It has a 30 yard range, costs 1 Unholy rune, and has a 1.5 sec cast time.

Dark Command is now exclusive to Blood.
Rune Strike is now exclusive to Blood.

Obliterate is now exclusive to Frost.

Festering Strike is exclusive to Unholy.

Maul [updated] Now deals 20% more damage to bleeding targets, instead of dealing more damage if the target has a debuff which increases bleed damage.
Swipe [updated] Now deals 20% more damage to bleeding targets in addition to it's previous effect.
Barkskin [updated] is no longer avaliable to Restoration Druids and is replaced with Ironbark (see below)
Might of Ursoc [new] Increases max health by 30% and increases health to 30% (if below that amount)
Stampeding Roar [updated] Now removes all roots and snares on affected targets and automatically shifts you into Bear Form if you are not in Bear or Cat Form, in addition to its previous effect.
Symbiosis [new] Creates a symbiotic link which grants the Druid one ability belonging to the target's class, varying by the Druid's specialization. In exchange grants the target one Druid ability based on their class and combat role. Lasts one hour and persists through death.

Insect Swarm [updated] The enemy target is swarmed by insects, increasing all damage taken by your Wrath, Starfire, and Starsurge spells by 30%. Limit 1 target.
Killer Instinct [new] Grants 100% of your Intellect as Agility when you shapeshift into Bear Form or Cat Form.
Wild Mushroom [updated] Now also states that other Wild Mushroom abilities can target these Mushrooms for additional effects.

Mangle [updated] No longer states that it boosts bleed damage.
Tiger's Fury [updated] Now restores 60 energy upon use in addition to its original effect.
Savage Roar [updated] Now increases damage done by 30%. Lasts longer per combo point.
Thrash [updated] Thrash all nearby enemies, dealing immediate physical damage and periodic bleed damage. Damage varies by shapeshift form

Mangle [updated] No longer states that it boosts bleed damage.
Savage Defense [updated] Now simply an ability that reduces all physical damage taken by 60% for 3 sec.
Lacerate [updated] Now grants a 30% change to reset the cooldown on Mangle.
Thrash [updated] Now states that damage varies by shapeshift form in addition to its original effects.
Survival Instincts [updated] Now reduces damage taken by 60% and is only usable in Bear Form.
Skull Bash [updated] Now increases mana cost of all spells from the interrupted spell school by 10% for 10 sec in addition to its previous effects.
Frenzied Regeneration [updated] Converts up to 2 rage per second into health for 10 sec. Each point of rage is converted into 2% of max health.

Regrowth [updated] Now exclusive to Restoration.
Ironbark [new] The target's skin becomes as tough ironwood, reducing all damage taken by 20%. Lasts 12 sec.
Wild Mushroom [new] Grow a magic Mushroom with 5 health at the target location. After 6 seconds, the Mushroom will become invisible. Other Wild Mushroom abilities can target these Mushrooms for additional effects. Only 3 Mushrooms can be placed at one time.
Wild Mushroom: Bloom [new] Causes all of your wild mushrooms to bloom, healing all allies within 6 yards for X.

Wild Charge [updated] Grants a movement ability that varies by shapeshift form:
Non-shapeshifted: Fly to an ally's position and your next healing spell costs no mana.
Bear Form: Charge to an enemy, immobilizing them and granting you 30% haste.
Cat Form: Leap behind an enemy and cause your next Ravage to cost no energy, not require stealth, and have no positioning requirement.
Moonkin Form: Bound backward and gain 20 lunar or solar energy, whichever is more beneficial to you.
Travel Form: Leap forward 20 yards and take 20% reduced damage for 10 sec.
Flight Form: Increases flight speed by an additional 20% for 30 sec.
Aquatic Form: Increases swim speed by an additional 200% and take 20% reduced damage for 10 sec.
Incarnation [updated] Activates a superior shapeshifting form appropriate to your specialization for 30 sec. You may freely shapeshift in and out of this form for its duration.
Balance: Chosen of Elune Improved Moonkin Form that increases Arcane and Nature damage by 20% and reduces all damage taken by 15%.
Feral: King of the Jungle - Improved Cat Form that allows the use of all abilities which normally require stealth, and allows use of Prowl while in combat.
Guardian: Son of Ursoc Improved Bear Form that reduces the cooldown on all melee abilities to 1.5 sec.
Restoration: Tree of Life Tree of Life Form that increases armor by 120% and enhances Lifebloom, Wild Growth, Regrowth, Entangling Roots, and Wrath spellcasts
Heart of the Wild [updated] Dramatically improves the Druid's ability to serve combat roles outside of normal specialization for 45 sec.
Balance: Healing spells generate Lunar or Solar Energy and benefit from Lunar and Solar Eclipse. In addition, grants 50% of Intellect as Agility, 100% of hit rating as expertise rating, and increases armor by 95% while in Bear Form.
Feral: Grants 50% of Agility as Intellect, increases hit rating by 100%, and increases armor by 95% while in Bear Form. In addition, regenerates 2% of maximum mana every 5 sec.
Guardian: Grants 50% of Agility as Intellect, increases hit rating by 100%. In addition, regenerates 2% of maximum mana every 5 sec.
Restoration: Grants 50% of Intellect as Agility and 100% of Spirit as hit rating and expertise rating, and increases armor by 95% while in Bear Form. In addition, damage spells cost no mana.


Counterattack has been removed.
Hunting Party (Passive) no longer increases your Agility by 2%.

Shatter (Passive) [updated] Is now trainable by all specs.
Improved Blink (Passive) [updated] Is now trainable by all specs.
Burning Soul (Passive) [updated] Is now trainable by all specs.
Improved Counterspell (Passive) [updated] Is now trainable by all specs.
Living Bomb [updated] Is now trainable by all specs.
Deep Freeze [updated] Is now trainable by all specs.
Alter Time [new] Alter the fabric of time, causing the caster to return to their current location, health, mana, and conditions after 4 sec. Effect negated if the caster dies within the 4 sec before the effect occurs.

Arcane Blast [updated] Is now exclusive to Arcane.
Arcane Missiles [updated] Is now exclusive to Arcane.
Arcane Orb [new] Launches an Arcane Orb forward from the Mage's position, dealing 302 Arcane damage every second to all nearby enemy targets for 15 sec.

Fireball [updated] Is now exclusive to Fire.
Pyroblast [updated] Now states that your direct damage critical strikes have a chance to make your next pyroblast instant cast and cost no mana, in addition to its previous effects.
Flame Orb[updated] Is now exclusive to Fire.

Frostbolt [updated] Is now exclusive to Frost.
Brain Freeze (passive) [updated] Your direct damage spells have a 15% chance to cause your next Frostfire Bolt spell to be instant cast and cost no mana.
Frost Orb [new] Launches a Frost Orb forward from the Mage's position, dealing 302 Frost damage every second to the closest enemy target for 15 sec. Targets damaged by the Frost Orb are slowed by 40% for 2 sec.


Level 15
(Level 15) New - Ice Ward replaces Cone of Cold. "When an enemy strikes the target, all enemies within 10 yds will become frozen in place for 5 sec. 1 charge. lasts 30 sec."
(Level 30/60) All Level 30 talents have been swapped with Level 60 talents.
(Level 75/90) All Level 75 talents have been swapped with Level 90 talents.

Seal of Command is back and trainable at level 3.
Judgement has a 6 second CD, down from 8.
Word of Glory now has no cooldown for Protection and Retribution instead of just Holy.
Supplication, a new version of Crusade, is a passive ability that increases the effect of your Flash of Light if cast within 15 seconds of killing a target that yields experience or honor.
Blessing of Kings no longer increases magical resistances.
Seal of Insight increases your healing done by 5% in addition to it's current effect.
Heart of the Crusader is a new passive ability that increases your mounted speed by 20%.
Blessing of Might increases mastery instead of attack power/restoring mana.
Blinding Light Emits a dazzling light in all directions, blinding enemies within 10 yards, causing them to wander disoriented for 6 seconds. 3 minutes cooldown, instant cast, 20% base mana

Speed of Light
1 minute cooldown, instant cast
Increases your movement speed by 60% for 6 seconds, in addition:
Reduces damage taken by 20% for 12 seconds.
Increases damage done by 10% for 12 seconds.
Radiates 1000 healing to allies within 10 yards for 12 seconds.
Long Arm of the Law now lasts for 2 seconds, down from 4.
Burden of Guilt Your Judgement hits fill your target with doubt and remorse, reducing movement speed by 50% for 12 seconds.

Divine Plea is now exclusive to Holy.
Divine Light is now exclusive to Holy.
Holy Light is now exclusive to Holy.
Holy Radiance is now exclusive to Holy.
Devotion Aura is now "Inspire all party members within 40 yards, granting them immunity to Silence and Interrupt effects and reducing all Fire, Frost and Shadow damage by 20%. Lasts 6 seconds. 2 minute cooldown."
Holy Wrath is now "Sends bolts of power in all directions, causing 2727 Holy damage divided among all targets within 10 yds and prevents targets from causing critical effecs for the next 6 seconds. 1.5 sec cast, 6% base mana."

Hammer of the Righteous Hammer the current target for 39% weapon damage, causing a wave of light that hits all targets within 8 yards for 1192 Holy damage and reduces their physical damage done by 10% for 30 seconds. Grants a charge of Holy Power. Exclusive to Protection and Retribution.

Judgments of the Bold (Passive) is now "Your Judgement hits grant one charge of Holy Power and increase the physical damage taken by your target by 4% for 12 sec."
New - Crusader's Zeal (Passive) is now "Your normal melee attacks have a chance to increase your attack speed by 25% for your next 3 melee swings."
Seal of Justice Fills the Paladin with Holy Light, causing direct attacks to reduce the target's movement speed by 50% for 6 sec and deal 12 additional holy damage.
Exorcism Causes 3250 Holy damage to an enemy target and generates a charge of Holy Power. Your auto attacks have a 20% chance to activate Exorcism. Instant cast. Exclusive to Retribution.
Sanctity of Battle (Passive) Haste effects lower the cooldown and global cooldown of your Judgement, Crusader Strike and Hammer of the Righteous.
Divine Storm An area attack that consumes 3 charges of Holy Power to cause 100% weapon damage to enemies within 8 yards. Exclusive to Retribution.
Hammer of the Righteous Hammer the current target for 39% weapon damage, causing a wave of light that hits all targets within 8 yards for 1192 Holy damage and reduces their physical damage done by 10% for 30 seconds. Grants a charge of Holy Power. Exclusive to Protection and Retribution.

New - Dark Thoughts - Level 10 Gives 70% pushback reduction for Shadow abilities. Passive.
New - Holy Focus - Level 10 Gives 70% pushback reduction for Discipline and Holy abilities. Passive.
*Probably intended to be spec specific passives.

Holy Fire is now exclusive to Discipline & Holy.
Greater Heal is now exclusive to Discipline & Holy.
Prayer of Mending is now exclusive to Discipline & Holy.
Hymn of Hope is now exclusive to Discipline.

Holy Fire is now exclusive to Discipline & Holy.
Greater Heal is now exclusive to Discipline & Holy.
Prayer of Mending is now exclusive to Discipline & Holy.
Renew is now exclusive to Holy.
Heal is now exclusive to Holy.
Binding Heal is now exclusive to Holy.
Divine Hymn is now exclusive to Holy.

It would appear Mind Blast & Devouring Plague have been removed completely - talents affect the former though so potentially just a typo.

Restless Strikes is now available to all Rogues.
Quickening is now available to all Rogues but no longer increases healing received.

Backstab replaced with Dispatch - Level 70 Deals 200% weapon damage + 766 damage. Requires dagger in Main Hand. Awards one combo point. 30 Energy. Melee Range. Only useable on targets below 35% HP.
Envenom is now exclusive to Assassination.

Backstab is now exclusive to Subtlety.

Level 75
Deadly Brew changed to trigger from any poisons, up from Mind-Numbing, Instant and Wound Poison.

Call of the Ancestors has been removed.
Call of the Elements has been removed.
Call of the Spirits has been removed.
Healing Stream Totem has been removed.
Magma Totem has been removed.
Purge has been removed.
Rockbiter Weapon has been removed.
Stoneclaw Totem has been removed.
Water Breathing has been removed.

Lava Burst is now exclusive to Elemental.

New - Healing Focus (Passive): "Reduces the cast time of Healing Wave and Greater Healing Wave by 0.5 sec and reduces the pushback suffered from damaging attacks while casting any Shaman healing spell by 70%."
Healing Wave is now exclusive to Restoration.
Greater Healing Wave is now exclusive to Restoration.
Improved Cleanse Spirit replaces Cleanse Spirit for Restoration.

New - Curse of Enfeeblement - Level 17 "Combines and replaces Curse of Weakness and Curse of Tongues to cause the target to deal 30% less physical damage and cast 30% slower for 30 seconds. Less effective on dungeon and raid bosses. Instant. 4% of Base Mana."
New - Unending Resolve - Level 64 "Hardens the Warlocks skin causing them to take 50% reduced damage and prevent spells from being interrupted for 12seconds. 3 Minute Cooldown. 10% of Base Mana."
New - Demonic Portal - Level 88 "Creates a demonic gateway between two locations. Stepping into the gateway causes any party member to be instantly teleported to the other gateway. Limit 5 charges, grants 1 charge every 15 seconds. 5 Second Cast. 70 Yard Range. 10% of Base Mana."
Shadow Ward is being replaced with Twilight Ward. Twilight Ward is learned at Level 34 and absorbs 4026 Shadow or Holy damage, lasting 30seconds. Instant. 30 Second Cooldown. 4% of Base Mana.
Fel Flame has been changed and now no longer increases the duration of Unstable Affliction or Immolate. Fel Flame now deals 311 Shadow damage to an enemy. Instant Cast. 40 Yard Range. 2% of Base Mana.
Dark Intent has been changed and is now a raid wide 6% spell power buff lasting 1 hour. Instant. 30 yard range.
Drain Life is now under the effects of Empowered Channeling. Empowered Channeling increases the duration of a channeling effect if the effect is recast before the initial one expires. 40 Yard Range. 2% Base Mana.
Demon Armor has been removed.
Fel Armor has been changed and now partially includes the current Demon Armor. Increasing Armor by 2603, Stamina by 10% and health generated through spells and effects by 10%. Passive.
Health Funnel is now under the effects of Empowered Channeling. Empowered Channeling increases the duration of a channeling effect if the effect is recast before the initial one expires. 45 Yard Range.
Demonic Circle: Teleport now removes all snares as a baseline effect.

New - Soulburn: Health Funnel - Level 27 "Grants Soulburn empowerment to your Health Funnel causing it to instantly heal your pet for 36% and reduce all damage they take by 30% for 10 seconds. Passive."
New - Malefic Grasp - Level 42 "Deals 1052 Shadow Damage over 3 seconds, in addition all damage over time abilities tick 100% faster whilst the target is affected by Malefic Grasp. Recasting Malefic Grasp before it expires increases the duration of the channel by 3 seconds, stacking 5 times. Channeled - 40 Yard Range. 2% Base Mana"
New - Soulburn: Fear - Level 47 "Grants Soulburn empowerment to your Fear causing it to instantly horrify the target, making them run in horror for 4 seconds. Passive."
Nightfall has been changed slightly, it now causes Corruption and Drain Life ticks to have a 4% chance to make your next Malefic Grasp instantly deal damage and increase the tick rate of all damage over time abilities on the target by 100% for 9 seconds.
Soulburn: Demonic Circle: Teleport now removes all stuns and snares from the Warlock, increasing their movement speed by 50% for 8 seconds and making them immune to all snares and roots for the duration.
Soulburn is now exclusive to Affliction.
Drain Soul is now exclusive to Affliction.
Seed of Corruption is now exclusive to Affliction.
Bane of Agony is now exclusive to Affliction and lasts 1 minute, up from 24 seconds.
Haunt has been removed.

New Resource - Demonic Fury - Level 10 "Shadowbolt, Corruption, Soul Fire, Drain Life and demon attacks grant Demonic Fury. Demonic Fury increases the damage you deal by up to 10% (Affected by Mastery)"
New - Wild Imps - Level 32 "Summons one Wild Imp that casts five Firebolts at the target. The cost and number of imps increases as your Demonic Fury increases. Each Firebolt grants 10 Demonic Fury. Instant. 30 Second Cooldown. 40 Yard Range."
New - Metamorphosis: Carrion Swarm - Level 86 "Whilst under the effects of Metamorphosis your Shadowflame ability costs Demonic Fury and knocks back targets infront of you. Passive."
Metamorphosis: Immolation Aura has been slightly changed. "Whilst under the effects of Metamorphosis your Hellfire ability costs Demonic Fury however no longer requires channeling and no longer deals damage to the Warlock. Passive."
Hand of Gul'dan has been significantly changed. Hand of Gul'dan no longer refreshes the duration of Immolate, however Hand of Gul'dan is now an instant ability with a unique spell cost.
Hand of Gul'dan now summons a meteor at the targets location dealing damage after 2.5 seconds within a 6 yard area. Anyone hit by the meteor is then affected by Curse of Gul'dan.
Curse of Gul'dan decreases the movement speed of the target by 35% for 10 seconds, stacking 3 times.
If the target isn't affected by Curse of Gul'dan already the Warlock will gain 25 Demonic Fury.
Charges for Hand of Gul'dan are passively gained once every 15 seconds and cap at 3 charges. Instant. 40 Yard Range. 5% Base Mana.
Decimation has been changed. It now flat out reduces the cast time of Soul Fire by 2 seconds, however when dealing damage with Soul Fire to a target above 25% HP the cast time of Soul Fire is doubled for 30 seconds.
Demonic Freedom has replaced Demonic Empowerment and causes your pet to regain 25% of its HP, remove all snares, stuns, fears, banishes, horrors and movement impairing effects for 15seconds. Instant. 1.5 Minute Cooldown. 50,000 Yard Range.
Demonic Leap no longer requires Metamorphosis, however it will activate Metamorphosis. Instant. 10 Second Cooldown.
Hellfire is now exclusive to Demonology.
Shadowflame is now exclusive to Demonology.
Bane of Doom is now exclusive to Demonology.

New Resource - Infernal Embers - Level 42 "Infernal Embers is a hidden aura that gives you an alternative resource bar. Infernal Embers are obtained by casting Incinerate on targets affected by Immolate and consumed by Conflagrate and Soul Fire. Consuming Infernal Embers causes your Conflagrate or Soul Fire to deal more damage based on the amount of Infernal Embers obtained."
New - Fire and Brimstone - Level 62 "Fire and Brimstone empowers your next Immolate, Incinerate, Conflagrate or Soul Fire causing it to hit all enemies within 15 yards of the target. Instant. 10 Second Cooldown."
New - Destructive Influence - Level 86 "Your demons attacks reduce the cast time of your Soul Fire by .1 second, stacking 40 times. Passive."
Rain of Fire has been changed and now deals an additional 50% damage if the target is affected by Immolate.
Bane of Havoc has been changed and now banes the target for 15 seconds causing the next 4 single target spells cast on another target to affect the baned target also. Instant. 2 Minute Cooldown. 40 Yard Range. 4% Base Mana.
Shadowburn has been changed. Shadowburn is now only useable on a target below 20% health and if the target dies within 5 seconds of the cast and yields experience of honor the Warlock gains 5 Infernal Embers. Instant. 15 Second Cooldown. 40 Yard Range. 5% Base Mana.
Immolate is now exclusive to Destruction.
Rain of Fire is now exclusive to Destruction.
Incinerate is now exclusive to Destruction.
Chaos Bolt has been removed.


Level 15
Dark Regeneration now heals the Warlock for 50% of their HP over 20 seconds, down from 25 seconds. In addition, it now also increases healing received by 25% for the duration.
Soul Leech now heals the Warlock for 15% of the damage caused by Shadowbolt, Incinerate and Malefic Grasp, down from 25%.
Harvest Life is no longer affected by the Empowered Channeling effect.
Level 30
Howl of Terror cooldown is now reduced by 1 second every time the Warlock is struck by a damaging ability.
Level 45
Hour of Twilight has been removed and replaced with Spell Drain.
Spell Drain has been moved and is now a Level 45 talent.
Sacrificial Pact now deals 50% of your demons health in damage to your demon in exchange for 10 second damage immunity, down from 100% of demons health. Cooldown is now 3 minutes, down from 5minutes.
Level 60
New - Blood Fear "Your Fear is now an instant cast however costs 10% of your maximum health to cast."
New - Burning Rush "Your Life Tap now increases your movement speed by 25% for 8 seconds."
New - Dark Bargain "Absorbs damage equal to 20% of the Warlocks maximum health, lasting 30 seconds. Any shield still remaining when the spell expires is dealt as damage to the Warlock. Instant Cast. 30 Second Cooldown."
Bloodstone has been removed.
Nether Ward has been removed.
Level 90
New - Mannoroth's Fury
"Passive: Your Shadowbolt, Incinerate and Malefic Grasp deal 10% splash damage to all enemies between the Warlock and their target.
Active: Splash affect is increased to 100% splash damage for 20 seconds, however the passive is dropped after this until the cooldown is reset. Instant. 2 Minute Cooldown."

Battle Stance no longer restricts which abilities can be used and now only increases damage done by 10%.
Defensive Stance no longer restricts which abilities can be used and now only decreases damage taken by 10% and significantly increases threat generation.
Berserker Stance no longer restricts which abilities can be used and now only increases damage done by Whirlwind and Cleave by 20%.
Heroic Strike's cooldown has been decreased to 1.5 sec, down from 3 sec.
Charge now generates 20 rage, up from 15, and stuns for 1.5 sec, up from 1 sec. Additionally, it can now always be used in combat.
Heroic Throw's cooldown has been decreased to 30 sec, down from 60 sec.
Thunder Clap now reduces enemy damage done by 10% instead of increasing the time between their attacks by 20%.
Battle Shout now increases grants a percent-based Attack Power buff to the entire raid instead of granting Strength and Agility.
Shield Wall no longer requires Shields.
Intimidating Shout now costs 10 rage, down from 25, and its cooldown has been decreased to 1 minute, down from 2 minutes. However, all enemies affected by it now cower in terror instead of the 5 non-targeted enemies fleeing in terror.
Meat Cleaver, a new passive ability, increases damage done by Cleave or Whirlwind by 10% for 10 sec when you use Cleave or Whirlwind. It stacks up to 3 times.
Spell Reflection no longer requires Shields.
Intervene no longer reduces the target's threat.

Two-Handed Weapon Specialization is now called Seasoned Soldier and also increases the damage of any of your bleeds by 20%.
Mortal Strike's cooldown has been increased to 6 sec, up from 4.5 sec.
Slam is now exclusive to Arms and has a 0.5 sec cast time, down from 1.5 sec.
Overpower is now exclusive to Arms. A cooldown of 1.5 seconds was added, but this seems mostly cosmetic unless they plan to take Overpower off the global cooldown.
Colossus Smash is now exclusive to Arms and its rage cost has been increased to 80, up from 20.

Dual Wield Specialization and Precision have been combined into Crazed Berserker but the increased chance to hit has been removed.
Bloodthirst's cooldown has been increased to 6 sec, up from 3 sec, but now generates 10 rage instead of costing 20 rage.
Wild Strike has been added. It is an attack using your offhand weapon that applies the Mortal Strike healing debuff and costs 30 rage. It has no cooldown.
Raging Blow now costs 30 rage, up from 20.
Bloodsurge is now affects Wild Strike instead of Slam. When it activates, it also reduces the global cooldown to 1 sec after Wild Strike is used.

Sentinel is now called Unwavering Sentinel and now only increases Stamina by 15% but also decreases your chance to be critically hit by 6%.
Shield Slam now generates 10 rage, instead of consuming it.
Shield Block is now exclusive to Protection and has no cooldown, down from 1 minute, but costs 80 rage, up from 0. It also now increases your chance to block by 25% for the next incoming melee attack instead of for the next 10 seconds.
Revenge is now exclusive to Protection and costs no rage but has a 10 sec cooldown, up from 5 sec.
Last Stand now has no cooldown, down from 3 minutes, but costs 80 rage, up from 0.
Devastate now costs no rage, down from 15, but has a 3 sec cooldown, up from 0.
Bastion of Defense has been heavily modified and contains a combination of the Toughness, Shield Mastery, and the old Bastion of Defense.

Editor's Analysis

A ridiculous amount of information, but keep in mind this is all pre-alpha, so expect a lot of this to get changed. It does look interesting though, Blizzard's plan to keep specs more unique and specific, and removing cookie-cutter specs might actually be pulled off.

MMO-Champion - Mists of Pandaria Talents