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General13 years ago

About his dismissal from EHOME: LongDD interviewed by sgamer

LongDD looking away during the prize giving ceremony at StarsWar 6.

Today, EHOME issued a formal statement announcing that LongDD has been dismissed from the team. A news crew from sgamer picked up on this and conducted an interview with LongDD to find out about his thoughts on recent events and his leaving EHOME.

With regards to your leaving the team, EHOME has already issued an official statement. During the final moments of the Grand Final match played yesterday, how did you feel just before your team issued the 'GG' call and forfeited the championship?

-"I felt rather terrible I guess, this tournament was the one I didn't want to lose the most, and in the end, I failed again."

You found out that you were going to be dismissed yesterday before the match I guess? Can you accept the group's decision? Or is there anything you disagree with?

-"I understand more or less. We might be facing some problems assigning roles within the team, but what I'm more upset about was rather that before this I was given no prior notice or hints that I would be kicked out.

Is there any problems between your teammates that you care to reveal? Why do you feel that you were not going to get kicked previously?

-"I feel it's a matter of role assignment, we never really confirmed our hard support player in the team. I've been playing that role for some time now, and maybe it's because I voiced my opinion that I wanted a different role. I couldn't see myself playing a support hero anymore. But I have tried very hard."

When you realized you were going to be dismissed, did it affect your performance in the grand finals? There were rumors that you could not sleep the night before.

-"Of course it affected my performance, but not to such a significant degree. Well, I managed to get some rest around 2 or 3 in the morning. I was down with a bad headache previously, and literally could not fall asleep."

There are many people who support you ever since you started at EHOME, then CH, then Deity, and finally back to EHOME again - but now you're leaving. The L-God in everybody's eyes has been through many major changes. After this recent event, how has your emotional state been affected?

-"Compared to past changes, this could be said to be relatively 'calm', and my personality has more or less adapted to alot of things. But when I'm with other friends from the professional gaming circuit, I'm still a positive, full-of-antics and fun loving guy."

Indeed, we noticed that you are now more calm and composed during competition. Many of your fans want to know your plans for the future. Is there anything you wish to do right now?

-"I did plan to play with Burning, but it's no longer a feasible idea now. At the moment, I just want to go home, take a nice break, and think about what has happened to me and what I have done or accomplished these few years. I don't think I will be leaving gaming completely, because there are still many people who are supporting me. I honestly did not expect to see people crying over it, but when I saw the posts on the forums, it brought me to tears as well. Actually I've been really depressed and upset about being dismissed from EHOME, but it definitely feels different when you have the support of so many people helping you tide it over. Thank you all."

I wish you all the best in the future, and I hope you earn back the championship you so sorely deserve. Thank you for agreeing to this interview, do you have any last words?

-"Fight on everyone!"

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