This Grand Final marked some important events in GSL history. It was mostly a huge day for NesTea as he looked forward to equal his stats with Mvp and MC, both with two GSL titles.
For InCa the match would be a stepping stone to his future career. The oGs Protoss that got really popular with his stellar play in mirrors, only came close to GSL finals once but got destroyed by another Zerg champion - FruitDealer. InCa had to step up and disprove the statements of his weak PvZ by trying to defeat the God of all Zerg.
Game 1 @ Xel'Naga Caverns
As much as I would have loved to see a huge macro game in the first set, things did not go along with my wishes. InCa opened with 3-gate expand and was looking forward to transitioning into a 5-gate pressure but sadly for him, NesTea did not allow this to happen.
Seeing there is no Forge (and hence Cannons) guarding the Nexus, NesTea starte spitting out Roaches and Lings and rallying them upward Xel'Naga Caverns straight to InCa's natural. The Protoss player was completely unprepared for this all-in move and after losing two Pylons that were powering some of his Gateways, InCa was basically dead.
Game 2 @ Terminus RE
InCa decided to change strats in set 2, seeing that his 3-gate expand obliterated in game one. So instead he opened with a fast Dark Shrine into expansion, hoping that NesTea would not have his Lair or Spore Crawlers up in time. Well, it did not got as he hoped as NesTea's game sense was amazing. The former champion smelled the fishy play of InCa (or somehow predicted it with deadly accuracy, I really don't know) and immediately threw down seemingly blind Spores at each base of his.
Not being able to do DT damage, InCa regrouped and morphed his templars into archons with the intention of doing a strong pressure while saturating his natural but poor micro by him led to the isolation and the slaughter of his Zealot force, leaving the Archons sad and alone.
The time for mourning was short though, as NesTea already had an Overseer out and sent his Roaches and Lings marching it and obliterating every piece of Protoss force and pulling off a 2-0 lead in less than 15 minutes.
Game 3 @ Crossfire
Quite surprisingly, InCa went for an identical DT/expo opening on Crossfire and once again he reached a similar outcome. Well, to be honest, he did manage to kill five Drones and keep his Archon alive for more than 18 seconds but the fact that he let a whole pack of Lings to sneak into his main and kill all his Probes did to aid his cause. NesTea rallied Roaches and Lings for a third time this day to pull of yet another victory. So far, people probably started to think that they are watching one and the same replay over and over again.
Game 4 @ Tal'Darim Altar
I thank God for the game on Tal'Darim Altar as we finally saw something different than NesTea busting a poorly defended expo. The long rush distance actually allowed InCa to get his natural quicker and fortify it well so it could not be broken so easily. Hiding behind his defenses, InCa teched to Blink and Dark Shrine, hoping to deny expansions and map control of his Zerg opponent.
This works in theory, but not when you gift-wrap all your Stalkers and donate them to a bunch of hungry Lings. Although he managed to cancel NesTea's fourth, InCa had a long way home with his blink army and lost half of it to the IM player. Oh yeah, and his DTs were meanwhile doing less than nothing so forget about them.
InCa's last bad decision was to actually think that he can get sufficient (or any) number of Colossi out, although a burrowed Zergling denied his third. NesTea, of course, had had this anticipated and seconds later poured a scary Mutalisk force that flew over the Protoss nest and snatched the GSL May trophy.
Actually, I am really sorry that I cannot bring you a more interesting recap. The truth is that we witnessed the most one-sided, quick and painful to watch GSL finals so far, surpassing even the Mvp vs MarineKing onslaught. I truly hoped for full seven sets (or at least anything different than a 4-0 in under one hour) but it was not meant to be. At this point, I can only hope that GSL super and GSTL May will bring a better entertainment. Until then I leave you with NesTea kissing his second trophy!