The last time we were able to read these words above fresh news from and with DotA captain Andreas 'Ducky' SØgaard, reaches back to September last year, shortly after's victory in the Jordanian self-appointed Dark Ride DotA Challenge. The last update from Tuesday the 8th of February was long overdue and answers several questions about the sticky situation of his team.
The roller coaster ride starts off steeply from the very first paragraph: "Yes we are no longer part of lost org". These words finally establish clarity after a renaming and the latest rumors in the community. With Luccianoz biding farewell from DotA, despite maintaining the communication to all players, the break-up seemed to pass off peacefully.
In response to the recent dropouts, which also involved the former key player MiSeRy-, Ducky finds words of acceptance and appreciation towards his former companions:
The last bits provide an outlook on the next big games and his views on the teams current standing among the best of Europe. With this new vital sign, we can safely assume that the teams passion for DotA didnt go lost, as the active search for players show. Ducky and co are back!
In order to read his point of view, alongside all above and much more in his own words, head over to the Blog.
Links - Ducky's Blog