The Korean army claims WeMadeFox member.
After disappointing results in several Starcraft II events, RohJinWook has declared his retirement. Wook stated that he will fulfill his national service obligation by joining the Korean army. As WeMadeFox's human player, RohJinWook was transitioning with Moon and Lyn to Starcraft II. However, after suffering defeats in the GSL 2010 Preliminary; Season 3 Qualifications; and the Gainward SC2 Tournament, Wook has come to terms with his disillusionment:
I'm very disappointed that result of several SC2 events. I had advanced to GSL 2010 Open Season 2 Preliminary Final, but I lost at that match. after that failed to advance Season 3 and also Gainward SC2 Tournament Ro32. I had thought that I will advance surely, so It was very shocked. It would be bad result to play game by this mind, so I decided to go Army."
RohJinWook, whose WeMadeFox contract expired at the end of Dec. 2010, stated that he considered himself 'old,' by gamer standards, and that his age figured into his decision to retire.
WeMadeFox Warcraft III (From Left to Right: Soccer, RohJinWook, Lyn, and Moon) Photo courtesy of
The 'geriatric' gamer also commented on the reason he switched to Starcraft II:
"It's fun while playing SC2 unlike WC3. it is very hard to get player to practice in WC3 scene, but I could find opponent quickly when I play SC2. SC2 is very fun, there was WC3 events rarely. Watching replay was enhanced and easy to watch, so I started learning SC2.
When questioned about his feelings on quitting gaming, RohJinWook expressed a mixture of resentment and admiration:
When I decided to quit for gaming, it was very painful to see what I had noted for WC3 when I had started WC3. I did practice like Moon, I saw plenty of VODs after Lyn adviced, also extended practice games. I had played over 40 games in a day. But other players played SC2 better than me, although they had to go China by WC3 events, only I failed to advance. maybe it would be jealous. I felt that 'I had practiced more, but why I failed only?' as well as 'they're great'
Roh Jin, a former member of SK-Gaming, is also the younger brother of Noh Jae 'Lucifer' Wook -- the ex Meet-Your-Makers superstar. Roh Jin stated the following about his brother:
My Brother(Lucifer) will finish his duty at February, I think he will work for game related one. People can change him mind when in the Army, so I'm not sure but he will challenge for that. About SC2, it is on his decision
Finally, the 'elderly' gamer left some parting words to his fans:
Happy new year and Sante. Thx for cheering for me and supporting with going along with me. from now on I'll cheer as a E-Sports fan. This scene will be evolved by fans, and it supports gamers. I have nothing to say but thx. it is disappointed that I did not get good result, cause it is only what can I do for fans.
Farewell RohJinWook, and thanks for playing Warcraft III.
Links - Retirement Interview