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General14 years ago

GOMTV GSL - S-Class: Group Standings

Code S - Group Standings
Top two qualifies for the round of 16, while the bottom two will move on to the up-and-down matches vs the top eight of the A-class tournament.
1st.NestEa.jpg South Korea IMNesTea2-0
2nd.TheBest.jpg South Korea TheBestfOu2-1
3rd.Polt.jpg South Korea PoltPrime1-2
4th.Maka.jpg South Korea MakaPrime.WE0-2
IMNesTea > PoltPrime
MakaPrime < TheBestfOu
IMNesTea > MakaPrime
PoltPrime > TheBestfOu
PoltPrime < TheBestfOu
Top two qualifies for the round of 16, while the bottom two will move on to the up-and-down matches vs the top eight of the A-class tournament.
1st8d5830b3c8edef7a83c05942c663ed19e21c547d0d8fecc6098ef40f30.jpg South Korea IMMvp3-0
2ndZenioGSL4.jpg South Korea oGsZenio2-1
3rd954f96cd9bc1c03c17bd887c7039ab724cc31ededef1a8c0d9f0286ab1.jpg South Korea TSL_FruitDealer1-2
4th47f879617057033f3989acf7af4078a0baf9d14435262c5c01ad39bd8d.jpg South Korea oGsjukto0-0
FruitDealer < Mvp
Zenio > jukto
Mvp > jukto
FruitDealer < Zenio
Mvp > Zenio
FruitDealer > jukto
Top two qualifies for the round of 16, while the bottom two will move on to the up-and-down matches vs the top eight of the A-class tournament.
1stSlayers_boxerGSL4.jpg South Korea SlayerS_BoxeR
2ndb6a963db74a548fa61a29394b9d0d3eb12f2d38eee1ead0192e1434909.jpg South Korea oGsHyperdub2-1
3rd1c9a3acceb14ca81b774a40c7e55add0ec3751b7c8d4ac401e8ac901eb.jpg South Korea HongUnPrime.WE1-1
4th0449f9d19e53f44a041a8a36bd02f28f8875ed0564207352a9e8b62a83.jpg South Korea oGsTheWind0-2
HongUn > TheWind
BoxeR > Hyperdub
HongUn < Hyperdub
BoxeR > TheWind
Hyperdub > HongUn
Top two qualifies for the round of 16, while the bottom two will move on to the up-and-down matches vs the top eight of the A-class tournament.
1st254d35992dd12481b57622685e815f956e0cff1e53d97ba434b9492918.jpg South Korea choyafOu2-1
2nd97429a95e56c58a197524da81caa024d42174e7d70b7a214cc466d1508.jpg South Korea TSL_Trickster2-1
3rdKyrixGSL4.jpg South Korea ZeNEXKyrix1-2
4th1dfb3bf152a548fc98c372e14aa72dfd32c1f33e172cca837b35db62f3.jpg South Korea TSL_Rain1-2
Rain > choya
sSKS > Kyrix
Kyrix > Rain
choya > sSKS
sSKS > Rain
choya > Kyrix
Top two qualifies for the round of 16, while the bottom two will move on to the up-and-down matches vs the top eight of the A-class tournament.
1stGeniusGSL4.jpg South Korea NsPGenius3-0
2nd9988610dda5b42492c739bcbe3bdd3446f50ff230c7842c16c47c9dbfa.jpg South Korea ST_RainBOw2-1
3rdb4cb47b36c5189e264cd237fcad00e1a6bde68c2bdeb39bb1deb959c21.jpg South Korea LeenockfOu1-2
4th7dc945d8dcc43a69ed199913e7272e8da87b97be2861c01e1273a7173f.jpg South Korea anyproPrime.WE0-3
RainBOw > Leenock
Genius > Anypro
RainBOw > Anypro
Genius > Leenock
Genius > RainBOw
Leenock > Anypro
Top two qualifies for the round of 16, while the bottom two will move on to the up-and-down matches vs the top eight of the A-class tournament.
1st7f45b74c404a0a6e687b80118a2291d705a91ed63205694ffdba0ce723.jpg South Korea oGsMC2-0
2nd3cae912e89e9e8175988083dd4b600f83100a25db61fc1a7f1f7fa1209.jpg South Korea oGsNaDa2-1
3rdInCaGSL4.jpg South Korea oGsInCa1-2
4th28d90885688fc402585ee47e9982cf52a46b5fdb6f2b64e9d074f5d46b.jpg South Korea sanZenith0-2
MC > NaDa
InCa > sanZenith
NaDa > InCa
MC > sanZenith
NaDa > InCa
Top two qualifies for the round of 16, while the bottom two will move on to the up-and-down matches vs the top eight of the A-class tournament.
1st7a8fe97e36452acb298cedd7e70499167ba19ceca674015672bf08c7a9.jpg South Korea TSL_Clide2-0
2ndf599219aa0eb2439aa99ea3a1bea99468ad0baae99002754117953abcc.jpg South Korea MarineKingPrime.WE2-1
3rd3cd3f55ad73efa6ed11efa0ab74aa83c3f77c70f951d8c0b590b8b4820.jpg South Korea SlayerS_LegalMinD1-2
4thLiveForeverGSL4.jpg South Korea ZeNEXLiveForever0-2
Clide > MarineKing
LegalMind > LiveForever
Clide > LiveForever
MarineKing > LegalMind
MarineKing > LegalMind
Top two qualifies for the round of 16, while the bottom two will move on to the up-and-down matches vs the top eight of the A-class tournament.
1stJinroGSL4.jpg Sweden LiquidJinro2-1
2ndc7498e7c7311a4769d1f5d697e973d52a2379b8d0072b3baa84128683c.jpg United States EGIdrA2-1
3rde6c21224e4a616bf794fd2c61c8506e19ed5f6287a132057b2723d347d.jpg South Korea oGsEnsnare1-2
4th138167a3a01fa5e5b6b8c0883b8e6d11713359a6ec34ad38c1b8cee81d.jpg South Korea CheckPrime.WE1-2
Ensnare > Check
JinrO > IdrA
Check > Jinro
IdrA > Ensnare
Jinro > Ensnare
IdrA > Check

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