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General15 years ago

HuK makes the move to Korea


Only a few weeks after Team Liquid picked up Dutch Zerg Ret, Canadian Protoss Chirs "HuK" Loranger joins Liquid to play in the GSL

After some rumors circulating around the possibility of HuK entering the second season of GOMTV's massive Korean tournament, Victor "Nazgul" Goossens announced that HuK would be joining fellow Liquid players Jonathan "Jinro" Walsh and Dario "TheLittleOne" Wunsch in Seoul Korea. There he will be living in the Liquid-oGs house practicing for season 2 of the GSL.

HuK has acquired quite a long list of accomplishments dating from early beta through release, being the first winner of the American MLG tournament and currently ranked #3 on the GosuGamers rankings.

An interview on delved into the Canadian's progaming career, and his expectations around his big move to Korea.

When asked about his expectations on playing in Korea, HuK responded that he was "extremely excited" about playing in the GSL, although he mentioned he wouldn't "be living the dream until I win one."

HuK expressed some concern about the living situations in Korea, saying that his "biggest issue would be living with a lot of people in the same house" as the Protoss player joked he apparently takes "4-5 showers a day." HuK mentioned that he was reading up on people's experiences in Korea and preparing himself for the cultural differences that he will inevitably have to deal with. The Canadian however shows nothing but confidence in his ability to adapt and succeed in Korea.

Look out for HuK in the upcoming GSL seasons.


1st place nVidia StarCraft 2 GosuCup | 900€
1st place MLG Raleigh 2010 | 2.500$
13th-16th place IEM Global Challenge | 300$
1st place ITL: Grand Prix #1 | 200$ / Intel DP55KG / ZOWIE Hammer
1st place GosuCup EU Qualifier #1
2nd place GosuCoaching Weekly Tour #8
1st place Open Wolf Cup #4 | 50$
2nd place ESL Intel Extreme Masters US Qualifiers #1


1st place Invitational (BETA) 150€ | Razer Lecheis
3rd place Go4SC2 Cup #22 (BETA)
2nd place Open Wolf Cup #2 (BETA)
1st place Go4SC2 Cup Finals May (BETA) 500€
3rd place Go4SC2 Cup #18 (BETA)
2nd place EU Craft Cup #9 (BETA)
1st place Go4SC2 Cup #15 (BETA) 100€
2nd place GosuCoaching Weekly Tour #3 (BETA)
2nd place US Craft Cup #4 (BETA)
1st place US Craft Cup #3 (BETA) 50$
2nd place EU Craft Cup #6 (BETA)
1st place US Craft Cup #2 (BETA) 50$

TeamLiquid - Interview