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15 years ago

Europe vs Asia Standings

Week 2 in the Europe vs Asia Starleague concludes today with TLO displaying some incredible play and taking a set for Europe. Read the wrap up for Week 2, or skip right to the VODs at the end of the article.

Today we saw another 3 sets being played, featuring ZpuX, TLO and HayprO for Europe and Dayfly, Loner, and Gerrard for Asia.

In the set between ZpuX and Dayfly we saw some incredible play from both players, including base trades in game 1, and amazing use of roaches in game 2. However Dayfly pulled out ahead with some very solid and consistent early aggression throughout the set.

This strong contain from Dayfly crucially hindered ZpuX in game 2

Between TheLittleOne and Loner, Europe gets their first win in the sets, as TLO shows us why he is the best. Despite steadfast play from Loner, TLO manages to identify weaknesses in his opponent's builds in games 1 and 3, pulling out ahead in both games using banshees. In game 2, TLO played incredibly, with a pure speedling/infestor build, completely shutting down Loner's attempts to push.

The ZvZ set between HayprO and Gerrard was slightly less uneventful compared to the 1st 2 sets in Day 2, however the micro battles were no less epic. In all three games, Gerrard opted for a speedling/baneling combo, not allowing HayprO any room to macro at all. All three games are fairly similar, Gerrard manages to pull ahead in the speedling/banelings battles with good baneling position, and with constant baneling pressure takes the set for Asia.

Overall Standings

Europe Europe 1 - 7 South Korea China Taiwan Asia

Missed some of the games? Watch the VODs here.
Week 1:
VODs from - Saturday, May the 15th
VODs from - Sunday, May the 16th

Week 2:
VODs from - Saturday, May the 22nd
VODs from - Sunday, May the 23rd