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15 years ago

Sen talks about StarCraft 2 and joins the Asian lineup vs Europe

Team Asia

Taiwan SenChina EricChina LonerChina Ace
South Korea CheckSouth Korea GerrardSouth Korea DayflySouth Korea Maka

ba429fe71c2dd744ba9d7d9d8784114e9224d2351e8fd8a5bf197ff24c.jpgThis is the first time Asia clashes with Europe in an international competition. How do you feel? Do you have any expectations?

Sen: This match makes me very excited. I can't wait to do my best in the matches.

During your training, do you often play against European players? What do you think of their skill level?

Sen: I play training games on the Asian server, so I normally do not play with European players. But on the weekends, I often take part in some European competitions such as CraftCup, ZOTAC Cup, and Go4SC2. The European players are strong.

The game release date is getting closer, what do you think about the balance in SC2 right now? Is there anything that needs to be changed?

Sen: In my opinion, it's quite balanced. But I still believe that Zerg is the strongest among the three races. Protoss didn't have any effective way to counter large numbers of Multalisks and Brood Lords, but after the 11th patch they rebalanced Phoenix to allow players to micro a few Phoenix to counter mass Multalisks, and they also nerfed the Brood Lord a big time. All in all I think Blizzard is doing pretty well on balancing Zerg.

Your teammates are coming from different countries and regions. Do you think such a match-up is good for the players to improve, or is it creating obstacles for the match spirit-wise?

Sen: Due to that most matches are played 1 on 1, players coming from different countries and regions won't impact the players' performance too much. And we know that the Korean players are quite strong, so I think it will give us strength and confidence.

About this competition, how will you prepare for it? Which ones of the European players do you think you need to pay close attention to?

Sen: I will continue playing the usual practice matches, and I almost do not care who my opponent is. Though, I will pay attention to TheLittleOne. I have played with him before, and he's good at all three races, and he's a good random player.

Are you familiar with the Asian players? What do you think of them before this competition?

Sen: Loner is a quite strong Terran player. We often got matched up on the Taiwanese server. In the past, I never thought he'd be so strong, but recently he just got stronger and stronger. Maka is a Terran player who's really good at harassing. I get really mad every time I play with him. About Check, we met often on He's good a Zerg player, though he says I'm his hero -_-. For Gerrard, I don't think I need to say much since all the fans already get to know his strength from the replays. I don't know about other players.

Which team do you think has the biggest chance to win? What are the possible causes to the result?

Sen: I think we got a better chance since all those Korean beastly players can't hardly lose!

- Click here to read the interview with NaNiwa and TheLittleOne

- Click here to read the interview with ZpuX and HayprO including the tournament information