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General15 years ago

SC2 Teamliquid Invitational Finals

Through some solid play and an end score of 3-1, Slush takes the SC2 Teamliquid Invitational over CauthonLuck and takes home $300USD.

Despite controversy over a disconnect in his game against Artosis, Slush manages to fight his way through some of America's top SC2 gamers including iNcontroL, and Louder to face one of the strongest Terrans today in a ZvT final, best of 5.

SC2 TLI Finals
United States SlushMetalopolisUnited States CauthonLuck
United States SlushLost TempleUnited States CauthonLuck
United States SlushSteppes of WarUnited States CauthonLuck
United States SlushKulas RavineUnited States CauthonLuck


Game one on Metalopolis began with a decent Hellion harass by CauthonLuck, however Slush was able to shake it off and gain the upper hand by sneaking a gold expansion, Slush goes on to starve out CauthonLuck through very strong Hydra/Roach play, forcing the "gg" from his Terran opponent.

Game two on Lost Temple also saw early aggression by CauthonLuck, as he went for a quick reaper/bunker rush in hopes to deny Slush's early expansion. Unfortunately this early investment failed to kill Slush's natural, as Slush opted for early roaches which quickly cleaned up the bunker. Slush then proceeded to end the game with a surprise mutalisk attack that CauthonLuck missed with his scans.

Being down 0-2 at this point, game three was a "must win" for CauthonLuck if he hoped to win the tournament. With the pressure to win at it's peak, the Terran player decides to shake things up with some Banshees. And the build pays off big time, as CauthonLuck manages to take out Slush's natural expansion, putting him very much ahead. CauthonLuck utilizes the advantage gained by the Banshees to outmacro Slush and takes Game 3.

Game four on Kulas Ravine saw back and forth aggression from both players, as the Terran started things off with a marauder/hellion push which was unfortunately scouted by Slush. Then Slush tries to dish some damage back to CauthonLuck, and techs to mutas, which end up not doing too much damage. Eventually however the Zerg macro becomes too much for the Terran to handle, as a slew of Hydralisks from Slush blasts away CauthonLuck's forces, and draws the "gg".

Well I know pretty well the game style of cauthonluck, so I was pretty confident, he did surprise me though the 3rd game with his banshees, so I had to adjust a bit in the 4th game.
Through some very solid Zerg play, Slush takes the Starcraft 2 Teamliquid Invitational and the $300USD Grand Prize. In an interview after the match, Slush reveals a bit of his mindset going into, and during his finals against CauthonLuck:

Be sure to read the full interview, or catch the replays if you missed the games, over at

Links - TLI Results - Finals and 3rd Place matchs