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LeBlanc is a hot pick in the mid lane for LoL Patch 14.14
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League of Legends: The best champions to play in Patch 14.14

A shakeup is happening in the Jungle, while other champions lost their top spots in other lanes.

League of Legends (LoL) Patch 14.14 is here, and while most of the changes are targeted toward the LoL esports scene, other changes will also affect some lanes on the Summoner’s Rift.

In particular, this patch targets the jungle meta by altering the playstyle of AP junglers that depend largely on the Fated Ashes item. In the solo lane, the devs set out to give AD top laners more tools to help them compete.

With adjustments to Absorb’s Warmog's Armor as well, supports may also need to be on the lookout. This is also the patch where the newest champion, Aurora will be arriving and will most likely affect the current meta in some way. 

So if you’re curious to know which champions you should you play, we’ve got you covered. Here are the most powerful picks in every lane to help you dominate the Summoner’s Rift.

Top Lane: Sett, Volibear, Cho’Gath

While Sett and Volibear still take the top spot this patch, the next champion you should look into picking is Cho’gath, who gets a solid boost this patch.

His E ability (Vorpal Spikes) now hits for 100 damage per auto attack at max rank, up from 82. That's 18 more damage per hit, adding up to 54 extra damage if all three hits land. Given the short cooldown of Cho'gath's E, this additional damage quickly stacks in fights. 

His Q ability (Rupture) also sees a damage increase at max rank but this may not be as impactful until the late game. These changes have pushed the Terror of the Void to S-tier.

Some other S-tier champions you can bring to the top lane would be Renekton, Fiora, Kayle, Camille, Dr. Mundo, Warwick, Garen, Gwen, Malphite, and Urgot.

And If you are in low elo, Urgot and Malphite seem to be the most effective top laners, along with Sett.

Jungle: Nocturne, Udyr

There are plenty of changes in the jungle, with many getting nerfs across the board. In Patch 14.13, it was Lilia who was crowned the queen of the Jungle. However, because multi-champion healing has gone down from 33% to 15%, this knocks her off the top spot, but not off the meta completely. 

All eyes should be now be on Nocturne, who will take her place in the Jungle. Nocturne has been on the rise since patch 14.10 Jungle XP changes, and is currently one of the best junglers for Diamond and below.

Udyr is also bumped up to S tier, next to Nocturne and Lilia, having benefitted from Patch 14.10 as well. Like Nocturne and Udyr, farming junglers like Shyvana and Fiddlesticks will continue to be powerful picks for this patch.

In low elo, Shyvana and Rammus, along with Nocturne and Lilia would be sweet picks for the Jungle.

Mid: Naafiri, LeBlanc, Vex

Most of the changes in the mid lane were targeted toward problematic picks in the pro scene like Corki, Tristana and once again, Brand.

However, Naafiri remains to be a powerful pick in the mid lane, with buffs from 14.12 significantly affecting how powerful she is on the Summoner’s Rift. 

Next to Naafiri, players can consider LeBlanc as one of the go-to's for this patch. With Electrocute recently buffed in the early game, its given good LeBlanc players even more snowball power in lane, and the champ is super strong if played well.

Vex continues to be part of the top-tier picks in the mid lane too, with no changes directly affecting the champion this patch.

Other solid picks in the mid lane include Sylas, Swain, Ahri, Fizz, Galio, and Casseopeia. If you’re in low elo, Fizz, Aurelion Sol, and Annie are the best champions in the mid lane. 

For some reason, stats show Garen having a 53% win rate in the mid lane, specifically in Iron, Silver, Bronze and Gold. So with a solid build and depending on your opponent and team composition, the the Might of Demacia may just help you up the ranks.

Bottom: Jinx, Kai’sa, Miss Fortune

The meta is more or less the same for the bottom lane, with the changes aimed at lower performing AD Carries like Smolder and Aphelios.

There are many viable picks in the bot lane, with Jinx and Kai’sa still leading the pack. But players can pick another champion in Bilgewater this patch if they want to climb: Miss Fortune. 

The champion is easy to use and is very strong due to her recent buffs. Even better, the new heavy AD crit build of Bloodthirster, Essence Reaver, and Infinity Edge makes it easier to play thanks to the massive amount of upfront damage it deals.

Other viable picks include Jinx, Ez’real, Kog’maw, Lux, Seraphine, and Nilah.

In low elo, Aside from Jinx, Kai’sa and Miss Fortune, Ashe can be considered a good pick as well.

Support: Nami, Poppy

Things are moving around a bit for the Support meta. Nami remains to be an OP pick, but last patch’s other OP picks Braum and Leona have gone down the ranking a bit. 

Although, they won’t totally fall off meta, they’re going to be affected by nerfs to Warmog’s Armor, to be replaced by Poppy. Poppy is someone who likes to build Warmog’s Armor — but there’s an option for her to build Dead Man’s Plate instead of the nerfed item, so the nerfs don’t really affect her.

Nautilus, Thresh, Rakan, Rell, Janna, Pyke, and Maokai are also good picks for this patch. Low elo supports can also rely on Sona, Lux and Zyra to help them climb.

Overall, except for the jungle nerfs, the meta shakeup isn’t too severe—so adjustments will be minimal. The winners of this patch would be the Top Lane, with minimal changes affecting the meta, and more power given to champions like Jayce. 

 With Aurora arriving in this patch, however, we’ll have to see how team compositions and the meta are affected by her.