March Madness continues with Milio's debut into the Rift.
Patch 13.6 is here, the second of two updates expected for this month. And with it brings Milio, the Gentle Flame onto the Summoner's Rift for his full debut in League of Legends. We have already covered what you can expect with Milio.
Aside from the new enchanter's entrance, only a small handful of champions had nerfs, buffs, and adjustments made to them. Amongst the list of champions is Aurelion Sol, who was once again hit with the nerf hammer. Both Yuumi and Ashe also got changed with the former getting nerfed while the latter got buffed.
New Champion - Milio, the Gentle Flame
Passive - Fired Up
Milio's abilities enchant allies on touch, making their next spell or attack deal a burst of extra damage and burn the target.
Q - Ultra Mega Fire Kick
Kick a ball that knocks back an enemy. On hit, the ball bounces behind the target, damaging and slowing enemies in the area upon impact.
W - Cozy Campfire
Create an empowering zone that heals allies and increases Attack Range for those inside. The zone follows the ally nearest to the cast point.
E - Warm Hugs
Milio tosses a shield to an ally, temporarily increasing their movement speed.
R - Breath of Life
Milio unleashes a wave of soothing flames that heal and remove crowd control effects from allies in range.
Champions - Nerfs

Aurelion Sol
E - Singularity
- Cooldown:
12/11.5/11/10.5/10 seconds⇒ 12 seconds at all ranks
R - Falling Star/The Skies Descend
- Stardust Requirement for The Skies Descend:
75⇒ 100 - Falling Star Stun Duration:
1.25 seconds⇒ 1 second - Falling Star Cast Range:
1250⇒ 1100 - The Skies Descend Knock-Up Duration:
1.25 seconds⇒ 1 second - The Skies Descend Cast Range:
1250⇒ 1100

Base Stats
- Base Health:
575⇒ 550 - Base Armor:
21⇒ 18
W - Dark Matter
- Magic Damage:
100/150/200/250/300 (+100% AP)⇒ 85/140/195/250/305 (+100% AP)

Q - Prowling Projectile
- Cooldown:
7.5/7.25/7/6.75/6.5/6.25 seconds⇒ 6.5 seconds at all ranks - Mana Cost:
50/55/60/65/70/75⇒ 50/60/70/80/90/100 - Unattached Missile Speed:
1000⇒ 850 - Enhanced Missile Speed:
1900⇒ 1650 - Max Range (in a straight line):
2000⇒ 1725
R - Final Chapter
- (NEW) Overheal Shield Duration:
3 seconds⇒ 1.5 seconds (Note: the shield will last the full duration of the spell (3.5 seconds) plus this amount of time) - (REMOVED) Best Friend Bonus Resistances:
20/40/60 (+10% AP) Armor & Magic Resistance⇒ REMOVED
Champions - Buffs

Passive - Frost Shot
- Damage against Frosted Enemies:
110% (+75% of Critical Strike Chance)⇒ 115% (+75% of Critical Strike Chance)

W - Shield of Durand
- Magic Damage Reduction:
20/25/30/35/40% (+8% per 100 bonus Magic Resistance)(+5% AP)⇒ 25/30/35/40/45% (+12% per 100 bonus Magic Resistance)(+5% AP) - Physical Damage Reduction:
10/12.5/15/17.5/20% (+4% per 100 bonus Magic Resistance)(+2.5% AP)⇒ 12.5/15/17.5/20/22.5% (+6% per 100 bonus Magic Resistance)(+2.5% AP)
E - Justice Punch
- Cooldown:
12/11/10/9/8 seconds⇒ 11/10/9/8/7 seconds

Base Stats
- Mana:
377⇒ 400
- Damage:
75-255 (based on level) (+200% bonus AD)⇒ 80-280 (based on level) (+210% bonus AD)
W - Rake
- Mana Cost:
55/60/65/70/75⇒ 50/55/60/65/70

Passive - Night Hunter
- Bonus Movement Speed:
30⇒ 45
Q - Tumble
- Bonus Physical Damage:
60/65/70/75/80% AD⇒ 75/85/95/105/115% AD - Empowered Attack Duration:
7 seconds⇒ 3 seconds
W - Silver Bolts
- Percent Health Damage:
4/6/8/10/12% target's maximum health⇒ 6/7/8/9/10% target's maximum health
Champions - Adjusted

Dr. Mundo
Base Stats
- Base Health Regeneration:
6.5⇒ 7 - Health Regeneration Scaling:
0.55⇒ 0.5
W - Heart Zapper
- Recast Timer:
1 second⇒ 0.5 second
E - Blunt Force Trauma
- Damage to Jungle Monsters:
150%⇒ 200%
- Shield:
180-450(180 up to level 9, then +30 per level)⇒ 100-400 (100 up to level 8, then +30 per level)
Nasroh's Tooth
- Total Cost:
3000⇒ 3200 - Recipe: Blasting Wand + Recurve Bow + Amplifying Tome ⇒ Blasting Wand + Recurve Bow + Fiendish Codex
- Ability Haste:
0⇒ 15
Navori Quickblades
- Cooldown Reduction on Autos:
15% of remaining cooldown⇒ 12% of remaining cooldown
Legend: Bloodline
- Life Steal per Stack:
0.4%⇒ 0.35% - Max Health on 15 Stacks:
100⇒ 85
Lethal Tempo
- Attack Speed for Ranged Users:
30-54% (maxed at level 12)⇒ 24-54% (maxed at level 18
Drake Changes
Hextech Drake
- Bonus Ability Haste and Attack Speed:
9/18/27/36%⇒ 7.5/15/22.5/30% - Hextech Soul Base Slow:
45% (35% for ranged) decaying over 2 seconds⇒ 40% (30% for ranged) decaying over 2 seconds
Infernal Drake
- Bonus AD and AP:
6/12/18/24%⇒ 5/10/15/20%
Mountain Drake
- Bonus Armor and Magic Resistance:
9/18/27/36%⇒ 8/16/24/32%
Ocean Drake
Missing Health Regeneration: 3/6/9/12% ⇒ 2.5/5/7.5/9%
ARAM Adjustments
- Corki: Damage Received:
100%⇒ 95% - Maokai: Damage Received:
110%⇒ 105% - Xerath: Damage Received:
105%⇒ 100%
- Annie: Damage Received:
100%⇒ 105% - Azir: Damage Dealt:
110%⇒ 105% - Diana: Damage Received:
95%⇒ 100% - Jarvan IV: Damage Dealt:
105%⇒ 100% - Kai'Sa: Damage Dealt:
105%⇒ 100% - Master Yi: Damage Dealt:
105%⇒ 100%
Turret Changes
- Turret Starting Armor and MR:
75⇒ 60
Bugfixes & QoL Changes
QoL Changes
- Viego will now gain max stun stacks when possessing Annie
- To reflect the significantly shorter cooldown, Viego no longer tracks the cooldown of Azir's passive between possessions.
- Fixed a bug where the rune recommender wasn't properly changing recommendations for the position you selected for multi-position champions.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Yuumi's ultimate, Final Chapter, to not heal her through her Passive.
- Fixed a bug that was causing EDG Yuumi's ultimate SFX to play too loudly.
- Fixed a bug that caused EDG Yuumi's SFX to not play on most of her emotes.
- Fixed a bug that was causing EDG Yuumi's final wave to not display the trophy VFX.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Yuumi's Passive heal expiration SFX to not play.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Yuumi's Passive to sometimes not activate Summon Aery when attaching to an ally after using a charged basic attack.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Yuumi's Yuubee skin E SFX to play too loudly.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Bewitching Yuumi's emote and death SFX to not play correctly.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Yuumi's ultimate to not track the player's mouse correctly.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Yuumi's Q slow effect to not decay if Yuumi is not attached.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Rift Herald to continually charge when its aggro was getting reset.
- Fixed a bug that was causing the “Get on My Level” Challenge to gain progress for takedowns that did not meet the Challenge requirements.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Karma's W VFX to not follow targeted enemies' movements.
- Fixed a bug that was sometimes causing Aurelion Sol's W to be immediately cancelled if used against a wall.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Vex's Passive enhanced auto attack to proc multiple times during Aurelion Sol's W.
- Fixed a bug that was causing K'Sante's auto attack after his third Q to now perform an empowered marked attack.
- Fixed a bug that was causing K'Sante's W to be activatable during the summoner spell mark/dash.
- Fixed a bug that was sometimes causing Sion's R to be interrupted by ally CC.
- Fixed a bug that sometimes caused the Undo function in the shop to lower total mana if biscuits were in the player's inventory.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Lucian's VFX when hitting an enemy with W and R to not be displayed.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Rengar's Q to ignore the blinding effect from Teemo's Q.
- Fixed a bug that was causing several of Kalista's VOs to not play.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Kennen's E to deal 100% damage to jungle monsters instead of 65% of the usual damage.
- Fixed a bug that was causing Kai'Sa's spawn animation to not show her shield VFX at the start of the game.
Skin Adjustments
- Pulsefire Ezreal's Thruster particles are no longer displaced when casting Trueshot Barrage
- Broken Covenant Cho'Gath and Shan Hai Scrolls Cho'Gath Passive heal VFX are now unique
- Championship Kalista: Restored VFX overlay appearing on the platform near the end of recall animation
- Broken Covenant Rakan’s eyebrows were updated to better match the ones from the Splash art