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Worlds 2022: DetonatioN FocusMe eliminates LOUD to fight RNG in finals

Image: LoL Esports

DetonatioN FocusMe went up against LOUD and came out on top. 

LOUD has been eliminated from Worlds 2022 after taking on DetonatioN FocusMe, allowing the latter team to move onto its next round of best-of-five matches against Royal Never Give Up. If the team wins that fight tomorrow, it will instantly get a spot in the Worlds 2022 Group Stage, but RNG has proven itself to be a fearsome obstacle for the team to surpass. LOUD in the meanwhile, has been eliminated from the Worlds 2022 competition entirely. 

The first match between both teams was one to watch, with LOUD stealing a Baron/dragon not once, but twice. LOUD eventually took this win despite DFM putting on a good show and gaining a foothold in the match early on.

As for the second match, Yaharong and Yutapon really pulled through for DFM. During most of the skirmishes that broke out in the midgame, the duo picked up kills left and right until the team was going 12-6 kills 21 minutes in. DFM took this kill and gold lead and used it to push into LOUD’s base much earlier than the last game - before LOUD’s Robo launched on the team and picked it apart. This teamfight win was huge for LOUD, stopping an early loss in its tracks and balancing out those killcounts. 

LOUD continued to turn the tables in the teamfights that would follow, but DFM took these losses in its stride and steamrolled the enemy base anyway for a win - keeping the last match from repeating itself. This made a 1-1 tie between LOUD and DFM, with three potential matches left to decide where the victory landed. 

LOUD might have lost its last game, but it wasn’t about to lose its head in the third match. While both teams were on equal ground in terms of kills and gold by the midgame, LOUD managed to pick up both dragons and come out of teamfights safely. Robo put on such a good performance in this game and the last, a monster teamfighter who managed to carry LOUD through multiple fights. DFM won this game with LOUD putting up a solid defense a mere few seconds too late. 

At 2-1, LOUD really needed to win this fourth game. DFM got a solid start in this match by picking up more kills, once again with Yaharong and Yutapon putting in work for the team. LOUD had been very inconsistent today and this was the team’s weakest match yet. The team lost an early lead but couldn’t regroup after, and DFM steamrolled the team for it. 

Tomorrow, we’ll see DFM go up against Royal Never Give Up for a spot in the Group Stage. We’ll also see MAD Lions battle Evil Geniuses to qualify, making two intense back-to-back games with four teams that absolutely need to take the win. Stay tuned for our coverage of the final Play-in matches!

Timothy "Timaugustin" AugustinTim loves movies, TV shows and videogames almost too much. Almost!