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renata glasc league of legends

How has Renata Glasc faired so far in pro League of Legends games?

The chem-baroness has played a total of nine times so far.

Ever since her introduction onto the Summoner's Rift, Renata Glasc has slowly made the transition into the competitive scene after she was finally enabled for pro play. Ever since then, we've seen Renata pop up here and there but more often than not, she's been part of the current ban pool of champions, being picked only nine times so far. With most regions now gearing up towards their spring split playoffs, we can expect to see more of the enchanter support champion in the days to come.

Of all her 10 games in the competitive scene, she's featured the most in the LEC and the LCK with three appearances each. The LPL and the PCS are close behind, picking her up twice. However, LPL teams seemed to have placed great importance on banning Renata when possible as she's already been banned in eight games. Suffice to say, the LPL sees something in her that most of the regions do not just yet.

She is currently 3-0 in the LCK with DRX utilising her twice in their recent series against Nongshim RedForce. DRX also ran the same five-man lineup twice, pairing Renata with Gwen, Lee Sin, Ahri, and Vayne to great effect. And both times, Cho "BeryL" Geon-hee was at the crux of everything, putting the chem-baroness to good use. The other LCK team to utilise Renata was Gen.G Esports who picked her up once during their 2-1 victory over DWG.KIA.

As for the LEC, she's currently 2-1 out of three appearances with Zdravets "Hylissang" Iliev Galabov of Fnatic responsible for both wins against Team BDS and Excel Esports. It was in their match against Excel was when we saw both of LoL's latest champions of this year on the same team with both Renata and Zeri being chosen by Fnatic. This was then followed up by the LPL's Bilibili Gaming who also picked both Renata and Zeri together in their 2-1 loss against Victory Five.

To put her debut in the pro scene into perspective, her 10 appearances are shallow in comparison to Zeri. The spark of Zaun has already made more than 80 appearances this year since her debut during patch 12.3. While it will take Renata some time to get there, she could very well be a major presence as leagues around the world get ready for the playoffs, starting with the LEC.

Seeing as she's already made a brief cameo, it wouldn't be a stretch to see her being utilised more often.

Teh "GravityWillFall" Wi-LiamA failed pro-am gamer turned into a filthy casual with an unhealthy obsession for keyboards and sneakers.