I saw a buddy wants to see some reactions of other regions about Bjergsen, therefore here I try to translate a few from hupu. I'm not very good at English, so I'll try the best I can. Hope u guys enjoy it!
So, what about the 4 remaining wards?
Maybe later on, TSM will also officially use the meme "Our main coach is warming up".
This is too sudden.
其实在北美还能打的 但是经过这次世界赛也确实发现自己难以跟上国际比赛的强度和节奏了 所以选择了离开 其实也没问题 年纪也大了 一个不完美但是也算充实的职业生涯 祝好 曾经的法王
Actually I think he is still capable in the NALCS, but after this worlds he maybe do found that he can barely keep up with the intensity and the pace of international competitions, so he chose to leave. It's fine tho, he is not young and he has an imperfect but great career. Wish all the best, the past AP king.
Sigh. Finally this day comes. I started to follow him when I was at my grade 8, 2013. When I searched about this id "Bjergsen" I found no one was using it in the CN server, so I immediately changed my client id to Bjergsen. Can't believe 7 years has passed. All my friends who used to play LOL with me back then quitted this game, and their account level stayed at 30, maybe later on they will come back, I hope.
I don't think his unsatisfiing performance on this tornament can cover the fact that he were the MVPs of all series in the NA playoffs...
-- 就大师兄这表现。。。再打几年也没戏的。
Wow it's sudden. He is actually very good this year. I think he can absolutely play one more year.
--More years won't do anything if Doublelift still performs the same.
该翻页了,蜀中无大将 廖化作先锋,再打下去也只能陪跑,可以去寻找人生中其它的意义了,祝好,一帆风顺
He indeed should move on. "Liaohua serves to be the pioneer when there isn't any outstanding officer in Kingdom of Shu. " (a traditional Chinese saying, indicates that experienced veterans are still fighting on the battlegrounds because there are few outstanding young generals) . He may still be an escort if he plays longer. (I don't know how to well translate here, basically it means that he thinks Bjergsen has very small chances to win following worlds). Now he can look for other important meanings of life. Kind regards, all the best.
Sigh. Another experienced player retires. There will be one less familiar face next year on the worlds, it's emotional. Bjergsen is not trolling, he never did. It's just his performance is not as good as his peak anymore. The meme "A god with four wards" was about him at the beginning. In the early years, Bjergsen has no beard and he is really handsome. (Personally I like him with no beard more) . There were a lot of feelings within me when I saw him with that beard recently. It's not about glory and not about regions, just to see these experienced players leaves the playground is very heart-breaking.