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LoL9 years ago

Team SoloMid to hold ADC tryouts

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Team SoloMid decides to use their time during the off-season to effectively address the several issues the team has as a whole. With that being said, they will include ADC tryouts to occur alongside their search for top, jungle, support, and head coach.

Jason “WildTurtle” Tran was once the king of soloqueue. He was best known for having three of his accounts in the top ten soloqueue ladder at one point and for his “wild” play style. Although he has done well in the past, his performance started to be questioned throughout the entirety of the 2015 summer split. WildTurtle would often fall behind gold-wise when comparing himself with other LCS ADCs and was known to get caught out due to his positioning. The team later brought in Yuri “KEITHMCBRIEF” Jew in hopes of WildTurtle improving. KEITHMCBRIEF was later on dismissed from the starting roster.

Team SoloMid ended the summer split with a record of 11-7 landing in 5th place — an area in the rankings that they are not used to being in whatsoever.

Not only was TSM’s performance questionable in the LCS, but it was apparent, too, in Worlds. Along with the rest of the NA region, TSM was not able to play up to standards, causing them to pack their bags after the group stage in the competition.

This year’s off-season will be critical for the rebuilding of America’s beloved team. Upon their arrival back home, TSM announced various roster changes (which you can read about in more detail here!) They also believed that they should explore more options to see what would be best for the team as a whole, which includes the announcement of ADC tryouts. WildTurtle is among several ADCs that are to partake in this event in hopes to become TSM’s starting ADC for IEM San Jose and this upcoming split. As of now, TSM is truly Team SoloMid until they find players to fill their starting roster.