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LoL9 years ago

Dyrus' Send Off

Photo by LoLEsports

As group D comes to a close, Marcus “Dyrus” Hill gives his final send off from Team SoloMid and the professional League of Legends scene. After a lustrous five year career, the legendary top laner looks ahead for new horizons.

Back during an interview in August, Marcus "Dyrus" Hill was quoted as saying he planned his retirement from the League of Legends scene after the season ended, attributed to being burnt out from having taken part in the competitions much longer than most other players can claim. Hill’s career came to an end on October 10th as Group D of the world championship ended. Team SoloMid saw a crushing defeat out of groups with a 1-5 record, preventing the fan favorite North American team from advancing on to the quarterfinals.

Upon the final game’s end, Hill was given one final farewell interview in front of the French crowd. Hill was brought to tears from the overwhelming support from the audience, despite the team’s defeat.


Dyrus holds one of the strongest statistic records in League of Legends history. Five different appearances at Worlds, six times in the NA LCS finals, 312 overall professional games played, and the highest amount of assists for any top laner in history. No matter how many have questioned Dyrus’ abilities as a player, no one can deny the impact he has made on the League of Legends community. None yet know what Hill or Team SoloMid have planned in the future, but it is clear that League of Legends will never be the same without him.