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LoL11 years ago

Mostly one sided affairs for EG and TSM in day 1 of NA LCS Week 11


Dignitas face Coast in the middle of the pack, EG desperately attempt to gain points for promotional tournament standings vs CLG, and the titans battle it out in TSM vs C9 for week 11 of the NA LCS

Team Dignitas vs Team Coast

Team Dignitas vs Team Coast signalled the second half of the action of the day in week 11 of the NA LCS with a very close and exciting game revolving around the marksmen. Dignitas showed a strong early game, picking up the first blood and several early catches due to Crumbzz' presence on Evelynn around the bottom half of the map and their strong vision advantage, using their 3 early sweeper trinkets to choke out the vision of Coast.

Dignitas' advantage however started to slip, due to a resillient Coast capitalising on every mistake made by Dignitas, including several sloppy engages, which would end up costing Dignitas the game due to a chase by QTpie leaving them with no defence to the Coast assault on the nexus.  

Counter Logic Gaming vs Team Coast

Evil Geniuses faced Counter Logic Gaming, however provided a very lackluster preformance. After a long period of little action, CLG eventually managed to pull out the first blood in the bottom lane, and carried on with this advantage well into the mid game. The pivotal move in the game was a base race resulting in a push to the inhibitor for both teams with CLG taking the bottom inhibitor and EG taking the middle. CLG never let off the pedal with their advantage and continued to find picks and objectives before easily pushing in to the base and taking the nexus.

Team Solomid vs Cloud 9

For the final game of the day, the top two teams faced off in what would seem to be a battle of the titans, however one would come out superior. Cloud 9's Hai pulled out Soraka for the 3rd time this split, which proved to be troublesome to Team Solomid as ganks gave little results due to Soraka's survivability. C9 established a clear advantage with the first turret to be taken being TSM's top and taking first blood in a fight ending in a 2 for 2.

C9 didn't stop there, maintaining constant vision control all across the map and showing their superior coordination and rotations allowing for a slow push onto TSM's defences. C9 finally pushed into mid, killing several TSM members and pushing down the nexus turrets to secure the win in what was a fairly one sided game between the top two teams of NA.