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LoL11 years ago

Korean Season 3 Ladder ends, Faker takes top spot

The Korean solo queue ladder is one of the first to come to a stop, with Faker leading the charge.

The in-game Korean client shows that none other than SKT T1's Faker, known for his excellent playmaking and flawless execution at worlds, took the top of the ladder.  The effort of this success is further amplified by the fact that Faker had to participate in Worlds and prepare for the WCG korean qualifiers, handicapping his ladder grinding time.  

In addition, CJ Entus Blaze's Ambition has 3 accounts in challenger, a quantity only surpassed Team Solomid's WildTurtle in North America.  Another noteworthy statistic is that every member of Ozone was able to grab a spot in challenger, while members like CJ Entus Blaze's Flame dropped out. 

Before Faker's reign on the Korean solo queue ladder, the spot was held for a long time by MaRin, a player that, before his ranked hiatus, held 1000 points in the challenger rankings.

The top 5 are as follows:
1. Korea Faker
2. Korea Ssumday
3. Korea Ambition
4. Korea Baeme
5. Korea Most3


Photo courtesy of chexx0r
