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General9 years ago

Stitches summoned to extinguish Kael'thas in ETS EU qualifier #2

Not even the Terror of Darkshire could stop Bubble Squad from beating C.D.N. in a decisive 2-0.

It's been a long time since Stitches has seen competitive play, but facing a scary (if immobile) ability damage comp, C.D.N. decided to wake him up and send him out to play. A lot of people may see this as a weak pick, or think that C.D.N. is bad for picking him over someone more 'meta', but let's look at how it performed.

GoTeRRoR landed hook after hook on Bubble Squad's most immobile heroes (primarily focusing Kael'thas). The followup wasn't always there, but with his help alone C.D.N. was able to secure several key kills. In addition to his incredible pick potential, Stitches can eat ability damage more than any other hero currently in the game. With his spell shield at level one, Stitches becomes useless to target with spells. A perfect counter to the Kael'thas and the Zagara.

While it unfortunately did not win them the game, Stitches was an incredibly good pick against Bubble Squad's draft and had they had just a bit more coordination they could have easily taken this game.

If you can't get enough of the sweet EU HoTS action, ETS qualifier #3 starts on December 5th at 16:00 CET. You can watch all ETS games on If you think your team can do better, prove it! All qualifiers are free to join. You can sign up for them right here. If you'd like to check the game out for yourself, head over to our replay section.

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