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General10 years ago

Confirmed changes to Anub'arak coming soon.

Posting on the official Blizzard forums, Heroes community manager confirms "subtle" changes to make Anub'arak "quite the foe"

In this forum post discussing Anub'arak and the many problems he faces, a light of hope was cast upon the gripes in the form of community manger Trikslry:

Just changes to beetle AI? At first glance, it seems like too minor of a change to really fix any of Anub'araks problems, however, internally Blizzard seems to think differently. Perhaps these "subtle" changes are exactly what Anub'arak needs, similar to what happened to Diablo. A while back, he was considered to be one of the very worst heroes in the game. Now, Diablo is a top tier pick, all because of some quality of life changes regarding this clumsy targeting and pathing of Shadow Charge and Overpower.

As it stands now, Beetle AI is seems to favor taking convoluted paths to the nearest lane over pretty much anything. Even when taking mercenary camps, Beetles have been known to completely ignore the enemies in front of them in favor of a nice cozy lane. In Heroes of the Storm, all summon AI is not created equally (Kerrigan's often brainless zerglings for instance) so whether or not these changes really make Anub'arak "quite the foe to deal with", it's good to see AI something Blizzard is working on.

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