We'll want feedback on all of the encounters. Here's a quick summary:
- Patchwerk: Minor changes
- Gluth: Minor changes
- Grobbulus: Significant changes
- Thaddius: Lots of bug fixes, minor changes
- Gothik: Major changes. Lots of tuning and bug fixes here. Also, anti-exploit measures implemented. Please try to break this encounter and give detailed reports of how you do it.
- Instructor Razuvious: Minor tuning changes
- 4 Horsemen: Major tuning changes
- Noth: Major bug fixes. Major tuning changes
- Heigan: Almost a complete overhaul.
- Loatheb: Minor tuning changes
- Anub'Rekhan: Minor tuning changes
- Grand Widow Faerlina: Lots of bug fixes. Minor tuning changes
- Maexxna: Some bug fixes. Tuning changes
- Sapphiron: New Spell Art improvements. Tuning changes. Bug fixes.
- Kel'Thuzad: He's all out of bubblegum...
We're very pleased that so many people have shown interest in Naxxramas testing. We realize that there are still issues with Charcter Copy. These will be fixed ASAP.
We'll be on the PTR's watching raids, fixing bugs and tuning the dungeon. If you have an organized Naxxramas raid planned, post in this thread and we might come and watch you. When we watch, we often help out with repairs, buffs and resurrections to expedite testing.
We really appreciate your presence on the PTR. Your feedback is always welcome.
If you're going to be raiding, please post the Date, Time, Guild or Character name (so we can find you) and server type and location (PvP, PvE, EU, US, KR)
Thank you."
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