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Hearthstone8 years ago

The Priest legendary is here: Raza the Chained

Blizzard is really not giving up on the highlander mechanic.

[card]kazakus[/card] and [card]inkmaster solia[/card] are two cards from the new expansion giving hope that Blizzard is looking forward to preserving the singleton decks which became possible with the release of [card]reno Jackson[/card]. The most recently revealed card – Raza the Chained, shown on Amaz’s stream – is the third such minion of the set.

Raza’s effect is more in line with Kazakus and Solia than the game-turning Reno, but certainly sets up some potentially strong effects. [card]shadowform[/card] highlanders could play this to get a free 2 or 3 damage each turn and free up mana to play spells or minions. This, of course, hinges on Shadowform decks ever becoming competitive, though with strong board control cards such as [card]dragonfire potion[/card] and [card]potion of madness[/card], that could very well be the case.

The big question for highlander decks is still whether or not the new set will offer a strong enough “carry” cards comparable to Reno Jackson which can singlehandedly keep the archetype playable in competitive formats.

You can find all new Gadgetzan cards in our full card list page here.