There's nothing like Asian Hearthstone meta. Watch it in action here.
APAC really ran wild with the post-nerf meta. We summarized the decklists that were used at the Last Call here but there's nothing like seeing them in action.
Among the highlights from this tournament is Cheonsu's greedy Tempo Mage which helped him on his way to a championship; Lojom's aggro-intensive line-up which eliminated tournament favorite Tom60229 in the first round; and Tansoku's Yogg Ramp Druid running neither token mechanics, nor Malygos burst which define modern day Druids.
The full list of VODs is available below, as well in our event coverage hub.
Quarter finals:
Shaxy vs Gogongsing
Cheonsu vs Aaron
NaviOOT vs Tansoku
Lojom vs Tom60229
Semi finals:
Shaxy vs Cheonsu
Tansoku vs Lojom
Grand final: