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Hearthstone8 years ago

Ness wins the Batstone #1 qualifier. Here are his decklists, too

The winner of Truesilver Championship 2 emerged victor from the Batstone #1 qualifier and will spar with the invitees on September 14.

The first ever Hearthstone tournament sporting a ban list of cards is near. Organized by 2014 world champion James “Firebat” Kostesich and scheduled to run later this week, Batstone #1 will remove five cards from the available standard pool in attempt to explore a different metagame.

By the power of the community vote, five cards have been banned from the inaugural Batstone:Yogg-Saron, [card]tuskarr totemic[/card], [card]barnes[/card], [card]fiery war axe[/card] and [card]call of the wild[/card]. The same were banned from the qualifier tournament which ran this weekend, leading to some fairly diverse variations of popular decks and classes.

Winner Ness had chosen to go for a very greedy line-up with four control or slow midrange decks. His Control Warrior with [card]prince malchezaar[/card], [card]ironforge portal[/card] and [card]king's defender[/card] as well as his N’Zoth Crusher Shaman are of particular interest. With no Paladin and Druid cards banned, Ness’s other two choices were a standard MalyYogg Druid and Anyfin OTK.

Control Warrior
Crusher Shaman
MalyYogg Druid
Anyfin Paladin

With Ness having qualified for Batstone #1, just two more slots remain available, with the current list of players being:

Ukraine Kolento
United States StrifeCro
United States Chakki
Netherlands ThijsNL
Germany SuperJJ
United Kingdom Ness