A new legendary Neutral minion, legendary Rogue minion and deathrattle Warrior weapon will join the fight against (or alongside) the Old Gods.
The Boogeymonster, the first of the three, was revealed on the website of OGN. The community initially translated the card to be named "Monstrosity", but Lead Card Designer Mike Donais provided the correct English name. Looking at the card though, Monstrosity might have been a more fitting name. For a total of 8 mana you play a 6/7 minion, which is far more expensive than your vanilla [card]Boulderfist Ogre[/card]. Now you may think: For those two extra mana, its effect must be very strong right? Well, it isn't. By turn 8 you usually want to play some of the biggest threats, and The Boogeymonster doesn't quite fit that label. The +2/+2 added stats are not so significant - you don't want to kill small minions with this forever, and if you kill a bigger minion this card usually still has little health left.
Following the vote on card reveals, today Team Liquid player Sjow had the honor of revealing a new card, leaving only Tom60229's seemingly Murloc card behind for this wave. Sjow's card is a high cost Warrior weapon with low attack, but with a premier deathrattle effect for a weapon. Similarly to [card]Anub'Arak[/card], Tentacles for Arms returns to the owner's hand upon destruction. Although players have argued that Anub'Arak's deathrattle is a very strong one, not many players are excited about this weapon. Not surprising though, given that it only has 2 attack power and 2 durability, basically meaning you pay 5 mana for 4 damage. The only, very faint application this card might see, is some extreme version of Fatigue Warrior, where you end up with only this card left. Until all the other cards have been released though, it cannot be said for 100% sure whether this card will be viable. Though it will some insanely strong synergy for it to happen.
The last, but certainly not least card to be revealed, was the new Rogue legendary. At glance, the card makes you wonder two things: Why are its stats so bad, and what are Toxins? When all the mystery surrounding this card clears up though, one of the most interesting cards of the Whispers of the Old God set shines. Toxins turn out to be 1 mana spells with some nice value, having similar abilities to [card]Blessing of Might[/card], [card]Holy Smite[/card] and [card]Conceal[/card]. Immediate synergy is found between Rogue's unique combo mechanic, but also with a card such as [card]Gadgetzan Auctioneer[/card]. Xaril might just fit in to a version of Miracle Rogue, although the class still has to find a way to cope with the loss of [card]Tinker's Sharpsword Oil[/card].