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Hearthstone10 years ago

Decklist spotlight: Download all Assembly Summer decks from day one

Artwork by: Noodles

32 players, 69 decks of all classes. Time for some netdecking?

Assembly Summer has gathered the elite of European Hearthstone plus some esteemed foreign guests in Helsinki, Finland for the biggest event of the month - the $25,000 ASUS ROG event. The rules are simple - 32 players go through two double elimination group stages and a single elimination bracket before the winners is determined.

The survivors of each round are also allowed to change their decks between each round, which will no doubt create for a diverse class metagame. What we can tell you by looking at the games and the line-ups is that Paladin's popularity is rising, so all of you who are putting their faith in the light will get some good builds.

Then again, with so many decks in one place - everyone will.

You can find full Assembly Summer 2015 coverage here.