The 3 mana Coghammer beefs up your guys with Diving Shield and Taunt, making it very hard for the opponents to reach for your face.
Paladins won the last card reveal fan vote and the Coghammer has been shown in what is the second 3-mana drop for the class we've seen so far in Goblins vs Gnomes, the previous one being [card]Muster for Battle[/card]. The stats of the weapon are 2/3 and its effect says that on Battlecry it gives a random friendly minion Divine Shield and Taunt.
One can see both aggressive and control Paladins making use of the Coghammer. In faster decks, the Divine Shield can protect important early drops like [card]Knife Juggler[/card] or [card]Undertaker[/card] while in control decks it creates yet another waller minion protecting Paladin's life.
Coghammer's only real "hidden" drawback is that it clogs up a potential T4 [card]Truesilver Champion[/card]. With Paladin's go-to weapon in current Hearthstone being such a popular T4 play, it might be difficult to extract full value out of Coghammer's 3 durability.
Another card was also revealed today and published on Gameinformer. Meet Antique Healbot, [card]Earthen Ring Farseer[/card]'s bigger brother. A 3/3 for 5 mana, the Healbot restores 8 health on Battlecry and belongs to the Mech family introduced with Goblins versus Gnomes.
How do you feel about these two cards? Tell us in the comments and also make sure to visit our full Goblins vs Gnomes spoilers page to catch up all the information and revealed cards.