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Hearthstone11 years ago

New Warrior weapon revealed: Death's Bite

Garrosh gets a new toy with Curse of Naxxramas launch - a 4/2 Death's Bite axe which deals AoE on deathrattle.

The new Warrior weapon was just revealed on Hearthstone's official Facebook page and gives Garrosh players something very intriguing to look forward to. A 4/2 for 4 mana, Death's Bite deals 1 damage to all minions when it expires, essentially casting a [card]Whirlwind[/card]. Combined with the 4 single-target damage, it seems Warriors got their own [card]Swipe[/card].

Death's Bite shapes up to be a card that will be greatly appreciated in control builds. At 4 mana, it fills the void between [card]Fiery War Axe[/card] and the late-game finishers which start at 6 mana. Casting it on T4 will open a very powerful T5 for the class, allowing it to deal 4 damage to one target, 1 damage to all and use 5 mana to cast minions or extra removal, setting up a clean board for T6+ threats.

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