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General14 years ago

Phil "Mrsweets28" Galfond Finds Canada To His Liking

Phil "Mrsweets28" Galfond is one of the numerous U.S. high stakes poker pros to relocate to Canada in the wake of U.S. poker's Black Friday. In his first blog detailing his results since relocating to Vancouver, Galfond expressed his appreciation to be playing again and running hot.

According to his HEM results, he has won over $607k over 43,197 hands at levels main between $25/$50 PLO and $100/$200 PLO. The results don't include his 2-7 or Stud game wins which one commenter said could be well over $300k.
So I've been in full grind mode since I've gotten setup in Vancouver. Some might say I should go out and experience the city, but those people don't understand how much I enjoy being inside and playing poker.
Galfond indicated that he probably needs to shift his sleeping habits if he is to take advantage of the majority of action which goes on between 3am to noon my time, which is when he has been sleeping. But overall he's very pleased.
I've been running pretty hot, which has been a nice welcome back to online poker. I actually think this is the first period of time I've run well above EV since at least a couple of years ago."
Galfond ended his blog post by indicating that he will likely be playing less in the coming days as he has some friends visiting which will finally cause him to get out of the house and see some of Vancouver.