Isildur1 has had a rocky start since his sponsorship on PokerStars began. He has had big winning sessions, but overall has lost quite a bit leading up to Christmas. That all changed starting on December 26th when Isildur1 ran $10k, up to more than $300k over three days. Isildur1 hopes to take that momentum from destroying his recent competition to the Superstar Showdown.
Tony G. and Isildur1 will play four tables of $50/$100 NLHE. The winner of the "Superstar Showdown" is determined by the player who either shows a profit at the end of the 2,500 hand session or takes the other player's complete match bankroll.
According to "Superstar Showdown" rules, each player has had to place 1,500 Big Blinds ($150,000) into escrow with Pokerstars. If one of the players decides not to show up, then they will end up forfeiting 300 Big Blinds, which will be split between their planned opponent and Pokerstars. The maximum amount that either player could lose over the course of the match would be $150,000.
Look for tables labeled "Showdown" under the Omaha tab, or under Hold'em>No-Limit/Pot-Limit>All tabs.