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Omar interview at TI12
Dota 21 year ago

Omar Interview at TI12: “We will definitely make some changes”

PSG Quest delivered quite a shocking surprise at TI12, just not the one many had hoped for.

We had the chance to talk to Omar "OmaR" Moughrabi after PSG Quest were eliminated in the group stage at The International 2023 to learn what went wrong for them and what are the plans moving forward into the next competitive year.

Quite unfortunate result at your first ever TI. Given the strong showing that you had through the end of the season, many hoped to see PSG Quest in the playoffs. Did that put some extra pressure on you?

It wasn't just the pressure or, better said, the pressure wasn't the main reason for our bad result.


What went wrong in the group stage matches for you guys, what were the main factors that led to this result?

Overall, we just played bad. We didn't really practice a lot. We had about three days when we didn't play Dota 2 at all before we traveled to Seattle and I guess it was a combination of stress, pressure, overthinking, and nerves. There are a lot of factors, but at the end of the day, we just played bad.


How is everyone on the team, how do you cope with the result here in Seattle?

We are all sad, of course. Everyone is dealing with it in his own way. Some people are just spamming pubs non-stop, some don't feel like touching the game at all, but overall, everyone is just very sad.


Who would you say have the most chances to reach the grand finals?

I would say Team Liquid and Team Spirit. I think they are the strongest teams at TI this year. Actually, one of them will have to go to the lower bracket, but I still think this is going to be the grand finals.


Are you planning on staying through the whole event and going to the Climate Pledge Arena to experience TI in its home venue?

I'm not sure yet.


I know it’s too early to talk, but what are your immediate thoughts, would you guys like to power through together and continue in the same formula in the next season?

I think we will definitely make some changes. I'm not sure exactly how many, but we have some to start with and we are definitely looking forward to the future because we know we can do so much better.


Speaking about the future, what are your thoughts on the DPC being discontinued?

I think it will be better for the bigger teams, like the tier one teams who already have a spot at any big tournaments. They will definitely play more, it will take them less time, because the DPC was taking a lot of time from everyone. Viewers will have a lot more entertainment I would say, but for the lower teams, the Division 2 teams, it might not be a positive change.


It’s been a pretty stacked year so far, what are your personal plans after this TI, are you going to take a vacation or are you going straight back to practice and grinding?

For sure I'm going to take at least a one week break to think about some stuff. I think I might be one of the fastest guys to come back stronger. I'm very passionate about the future and about this game overall.


Let's talk a bit more about you. When and how did you discover Dota?

The story goes way back. I started in DotA 1 when I was 8 or 9 years old because of my brothers. They tried to teach me the game but I was way too young. However, I kept playing and I kept progressing. In 2013 or 2014, around that time, I switched to Dota 2 because I realized it was getting bigger and bigger and it would become the next big thing.


What made you want to become a pro?

There were a lot of factors when I chose Dota 2 as a profession. At first, it was just a hobby. It was just a game that I liked playing after school. But with time, I became very passionate about the game and I just felt like I could do it, that I could aim at a professional career. So, I just challenged myself and I went for it.


Was there any team that inspired you on this journey of becoming a pro?

The old Team Liquid, the one with KuroKy and GH. Watching them play always got me really excited about the idea of making a professional career for myself.


Do you also have a role model among the players?

GH because ethics wise while playing, he is keeping very high standards. You never see him being rude or throwing any bad words at anyone. He has a very good image as a player and as a person and that's what I want for myself too. He is also a Lebanese player, so I have watched him since the very beginning of his career.


Speaking about high standards. What's your take on the behavior score implementation and did you struggle with keeping that in the greens?

Actually, this is a very good question. This feature is definitely good, very good for the game, but unfortunately, because of how it is implemented right now, it can be abused. You can just report someone even if he didn't do anything wrong, and he will still take a penalty. That's bad, that you can report someone for no reason and make them suffer.

I'm at 10.6K behavior score, I have a green smiley face welcoming me every day. I was once muted in a game but other than that, I don't get reported often. 


What's your take on smurfing in Dota 2?

I am so against surfing in the lower brackets, 6k guys surfing in the 3k brackets. That shouldn't be allowed. But for pro players, I would say we need a way to be able to have a smurf and be able to hide that entirely, to not let the other teams know what are you practicing.


Has banning the smurfs had any impact on your games, in your bracket?

No, I didn't feel any difference after that update. The only thing that mattered or had an impact was the behavior score. There are people who are muted 24/7 in my matches and that's all.

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