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Dota 27 years ago

Compete against EG, Na'Vi and others; TI8 open qualifier registration open

Photo courtesy of PerfectWorld

As The International 2018 edges closers, the open qualifiers are now officially open for team registration. 

Starting on June 14th and running through to June 18th, the Open Qualifiers will see players and teams from Europe, CIS, South East Asia, North America and South America battle for a chance to play among the greatest teams in each region. As usual, there will be two sets of qualifiers for each region. Each event will have 1024 spots available. Info on how many teams per region will advance will be released at a later date.

For solo players, they will be able to join the tournament as soon as the check-in phases open, whilst teams that did not sign up on time will be allowed to register thirty minutes before the tournament begins – if slots are available. Teams will be able to register a maximum of 5 players and no substitutes will be allowed.

There will not be any Champions/Battlepass qualifiers so all interested teams will need to go through the open qualifiers for a spot. Expect both events to fill up quick and be jam-packed with some of the best teams in the world as OG, Evil Geniuses, compLexity Gaming, VGJ.Storm, Alliance, Na'Vi, paiN Gaming, Infamous and more will be registering alongside the local players. 

Please note the following regarding regional rules: 

Below you can find details for registration in each region for both the 1st and 2nd Open Qualifiers – as well as start and check-in times for those wanting to participate:


1st Open Qualifier – Day 1 - June 14th: Register Here
Check-in: 15:00 CEST
Start time: 16:00 CEST
1st Open Qualifier – Day 2 - June 15th
Start time: 16:00 CEST

2nd Open Qualifier – Day 1 - June 16th: Register Here
Check-in: 15:00 CEST
Start time: 16:00 CEST
2nd Open Qualifier – Day 2 - June 17th
Start time: 16:00 CEST


1st Open Qualifier – Day 1 - June 14th: Register Here
Check-in: 16:00 MSK/14:00 CEST
Start time: 17:00 MSK/15:00 CEST
1st Open Qualifier – Day 2 - June 15th
Start time: 16:00 MSK

2nd Open Qualifier – Day 1 - June 16th: Register Here
Check-in: 16:00 MSK/14:00 CEST
Start time: 17:00 MSK/15:00 CEST
2nd Open Qualifier – Day 2 - June 17th
Start time: 16:00 MSK

South-East Asia

1st Open Qualifier – Day 1 - June 14th: Register Here
Check-in: 16:00 SGT/09:00 CEST
Start time: 17:00 SGT/10:00 CEST
1st Open Qualifier – Day 2 - June 15th
Start time: 17:00 SGT

2nd Open Qualifier – Day 1 - June 16th: Register Here
Check-in: 16:00 SGT/09:00 CEST
Start time: 17:00 SGT/10:00 CEST
2nd Open Qualifier – Day 2 - June 17th
Start time: 17:00 SGT

North America

1st Open Qualifier – Day 1 - June 14th: Register Here
Check-in: 15:00 CDT/22:00 CEST
Start time: 16:00 CDT/23:00 CEST
1st Open Qualifier – Day 2 - June 15th
Start time: 16:00 CDT

2nd Open Qualifier – Day 1 - June 16th: Register Here
Check-in: 15:00 CDT/22:00 CEST
Start time: 16:00 CDT/23:00 CEST
2nd Open Qualifier – Day 2 - June 17th
Start time: 16:00 CDT

South America

1st Open Qualifier – Day 1 - June 14th: Register Here
Check-in: 15:00 PET/21:00 CEST
Start time: 16:00 PET/22:00 CEST
1st Open Qualifier – Day 2 - June 15th
Start time: 16:00 PET

2nd Open Qualifier – Day 1 - June 16th: Register Here
Check-in: 15:00 PET/21:00 CEST
Start time: 16:00 PET/22:00 CEST
2nd Open Qualifier – Day 2 - June 17th
Start time: 16:00 PET

Rounds played in day one: Round of 1024 (BO1), Round of 512 (BO1), Round of 256 (BO1), Round of 128 (BO1), Round of 64 (BO1), Round of 32 (BO1)
Rounds played in day two: Round of 16 (BO1), Round of 8 (BO1), Semi-Finals (BO3), Finals (BO3)

Registration is now open, so if you're looking at proving yourself or your team's worth, head over to your regions registration page and get involved before the spots fill up.

Perfect World Schedule for the Chinese open qualifiers:

You can sign up HERE but keep in mind that only players above 16 years old are allowed to participate at the Chinese open qualifiers.

Cristy "Pandora" RamadaniPandora is a behind the scenes Dota 2 professional Jack of All Trades. When not busy with Dota 2 work, she is out trying to save the world or baking cupcakes. Follow her on Twitter @pandoradota2