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DC advance to Grand Finals of TI6 after dramatic conclusion

image credits: @Leafeator

Digital Chaos erupted in celebration following the dramatic conclusion to a hard fought, three game series that culminated in the dethronement of Evil Geniuses. DC advance to the Grand Finals on the back of an improbable run through DOTA's most prestigious LAN.

The closing day of The International 2016 commenced with the two NA organizations scheduled for a collision in the lower bracket finals. Evil Geniuses has long held the title of premiere team based in the region. Digital Chaos entered the tournament an eternity away from that accolade, but as the week unfolded they've demonstrated to the world they’re ready to snatch the title.

Game One:

Evil Geniuses drafted a Shadow Demon/Kunkka roaming support duo, sealing it off with a carry Luna and an undefeated Saahil ‘Universe’ Arora Faceless Void at the International. Digital Chaos elected to sport a support Naga Siren and a Tidehunter to secure the front lines. Both teams drafted lineups relying heavily on cooldowns.

EG’s roaming support duo made an immediate impact on the game claiming first blood on Roman ‘Resolut1on’ Fominok and later another kill in the middle lane on Mirana. Even Clinton ‘Fear’ Loomis rotated from his aggressive tri-lane to the Dire safe lane to contribute to a kill on Tidehunter at just level four. The constant roaming of EG gave them the early kill advantage, but enabled DC not to fall too far behind in farm as they found a couple kills as well.

DC pulled away in net worth during the mid-game winning back to back team fights resulting in four deceased EG heroes each fight. EG seemed to have a strenuous time answering Aliwi ‘w33’ Omar’s Aghanim’s Scepter damage on Mirana, but managed to find some kills while avoiding the hero. A fight at the doorstep of the EG base slightly favored DC allowing them to obliterate a top lane melee barracks from the map while Syed ‘SumaiL’ Hassan could only spectate from the grave.

Just before 35 minutes, and on the back of a five man smoke, Universe initiated with Chronosphere in the Radiant jungle only to be thwarted by a Naga Song of the Siren. The ultimate held the EG heroes in place while DC set up their counter engage, isolating the heroes under the effect of Black King Bar. DC’s reaction shredded through four EG heroes without committing Tidehunter’s Ravage. EG’s response was a swift GG call, losing their first game of the tournament with a Universe Faceless Void after 11 wins. The squad was now forced to play with their backs against the wall as DC claimed a one game advantage.

Game Two:

Jakiro finally made his debut at The International in game two of the lower bracket finals, and a middle, w33 Jakiro at that. The hero’s ultimate synergizes extremely well with DC’s Faceless Void and other means of control. EG drafted a middle Medusa for SumaiL and Elder Titan to disrupt the synergy of the opposing picks.

With a Slark and Medusa in the game, the pace was naturally slow in the early game. For the most part, both teams opted to trade tier one towers, setting up a modest number of ganks along the way. The game picked up after EG found a couple of kills on Witch Doctor and Faceless Void which translated into a Roshan at 20:30. The aegis pick up was followed up by an immediate team fight in the middle lane. EG roamed up a high ground where DC was waiting with position advantage. Martin ‘Saksa’ Sazdov threw a clutch Paralyzing Cask that bounced between two EG heroes as they burned alive inside Jakiro’s Macropyre. David ‘Moo’ Hull connected on a multi-hero Chronosphere in the aftermath to complete the wipe of EG.

DC thought they were going to find a game winning kill on Medusa just outside the EG base but it backfired abhorrently. DC threw everything and the kitchen sink at SumaiL, but a defensive Shallow Grave from Peter ‘ppd’ Dager kept the Medusa alive as Fear slashed through the back lines in a counter that killed four. EG claimed aegis and began pushing back at the DC aggression winning the next few skirmishes definitively culminating in a top lane melee barracks.

DC was being pressured to make a play after falling behind, and their idea was to take Roshan. The EG heroes respawned and lurked around the pit using the Elder Titan’s vision with Astral Spirit to monitor the objective’s health. Fear jumped into the pit with his Blink Dagger to steal the aegis successfully. EG pursued the retreating Radiant heroes finding multiple kills in a back and forth exchange of ultimates. The following push on the bottom lane demolished the structures and Slark spurring a GG call from DC. The failure to kill the Medusa in the top lane turned out to be the mistake to turn the tide. EG capitalized on the opportunity death balling the series to a decisive game three.

Game Three:

Game three featured a Brewmaster pick from EG to create space for Terrorblade to unleash his damage upon both heroes and structures. The two heroes were joined by Tidehunter making three extremely ‘tanky’ cores for the lineup. DC returned to a draft previously theory crafted by the team grabbing Ursa and Slark. The two cores were backed up by an increasingly popular Shadow Demon-Kunkka support pair.

DC found a quick start to the laning phase on w33’s Ursa seizing three kills on the Brewmaster. Both teams were meticulous in their sparring with one another trading kill for kill. At 16 minutes EG sought to take control of the first aegis. DC contested the Roshan with Kunkka making clutch Ghostship and X-mark plays to create space for Beastmaster and Slark who cleared a tier three and ranged barracks early in the game.

DC approached the game masterfully, pushing out all lanes, not allowing EG to five man down a lane like they had hoped. EG was forced to spread across the map to answer the push, opening windows for Resolut1on to torment the opposing heroes stealing easy kills. This was the mantra for a long period of time. EG responded by pushing down middle lane destroying the ranged barracks, but Moo again ratted a bottom tier three tower before falling on the Beastmaster. Universe later caught out a split pushing trio with Ravage to trigger an eventual aegis while EG dealt with additional DC antics.

No advantage was acquired from the aegis with DC continuing to dance around EG. Fear barreled down middle with the rest of his team behind him. They picked off the melee barracks and directed their attention to the tier four towers and throne. Buybacks were full throttle from DC as four were defending the push as Moo ascertained mega creeps ratting the final EG structures. Rejoining his team, Moo aided in quelling the push. EG answered with their own buybacks and DC marched down middle to return the favor. EG scrambled around their throne which was being hit by all sides. The DC heroes were not falling quickly enough as the throne slowly dwindled in health points. Regardless of a desperation Divine Rapier buy from Fear, Digital Chaos jumped into a celebratory huddle as the EG throne and Seattle crowd exploded, sealing the victory.

With the victory, Digital Chaos advance to face Wings Gaming in the Grand Finals of The International 6.

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Geoffrey "SophoS" MagdziaszAccounting graduate, Esports enthusiast, aspiring businessman. Follow on Twitter @SophoS_Dota