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Dota 210 years ago

Effect of the Immortal III on pick and win rates

The third immortal set is out, let's take a look at how the launch has effected the pick and win rates of the heroes.

With the launch of the new immortal, the heroes' pick rate obviously went up since all the players wanted to try their new shiny hats and how they look during a live match. Since these heroes are being picked by people who don’t know much about them, their win rates have seen a steep decline.

Invoker’s pick rate increased the most, going from 15.61% to 22.38%, an increase of 6.77%. Since Invoker is a very hard to play, its win rate decreased a lot too; going from a 44.01% to 42.90%, a decrease of 1.11%.

 The win rate of Witch Doctor and Zeus increased which is a surprise at first, but can be explained. WD is a support hero and more people playing it was obviously good for the team and led to easy wins, that’s why you should play more support. Zeus on the other hand is a pretty low skill hero, spam lightning, and get kills; more people playing it can never be a bad thing.

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Sources: Dotabuff, Reddit (/u/iceman_badct)

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