The prize pool for this year's International just exceed the prize pool of The International 4 and with that Valve is breaking its own record for the biggest prize pool in e-Sports history. In terms of the amount of money at stake, DotA 2 fans have pushed the overall prize pool of The International over the record year after year, the most spectacular increase being made in 2014 when the contributors tripled the previous year’s prize pool. It is unlikely to see something like this happen for The International 5 but with the $11 000 000 mark hit Valve will definitely keep the record for the biggest prize pool in e-Sports for themselves.
Just a week after the release of the Immortal Treasure II chest the prize pool has surged its way up to $10 million which unlocked the third Immortal chest goal and now we looking at the 15th stretch goal completed, the new Desert Terrain waiting to be patched into the game.
Considering the fact that the first 24 hours after Immortal Treasure II was added into the game capitulated with a total of $527,950, Valve should be keen to polish as fast as possible the third set of immortals in order to keep the cash flow.Until then, the addition of the new Collector’s Cache treasure chest with 10 possible new shinny item sets alongside with the Faceless Rex courier (very rare drop) will keep us busy and the prize pool growing.
The $11 million mark of the DotA 2 International prize pool being achieved the next goal to excite the players interest would be the special Axe Immortal, who already had received an Immortal head slot item from the previous Compendium, and an extended comic but keep in mind that there may be secret goals along the way, as it was at this point last year when Techies was announced via a surprise milestone during the fundraising.
Although the statisticians are hinting a 13 million dollars as the maximum amount for The International 5 prize pool, with the new immortals incoming Valve’s stretch goal of $15 million dollars might not be so naive after all.
TI4 and TI5 prize comparison on prztrckr by Cyborgmatt
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